Chapter 5

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter



"Everybody, hurry up. We need to be at Kings cross in 10 minutes," shouted Mrs. Weasley. "Does everybody know the apparition spot? Ginny, hold on tightly to Harry." She winked, and I knew she noticed the ring, but she didn't say anything.

"Ok, Mum, I know," Ginny said.

"Is everybody ready? Okay, let's go."

We apparated to Kings Cross Station and looked for platforms nine and ten. When it was spotted, Ginny and I ran through the wall separating the platforms. We gave our luggage to the platform assistant, and got on the train, Ron and Hermione following suit.

When the train pulled out from the station, Romilda Vane came into our compartment. Ginny glared at her.

"Hi Harry," Romilda said sweetly, sitting next to me and cuddling up against my arm.

"Hi Romilda, do you need anything?" I asked.

"Yes, I do need something. You."

"Well, you see, Romilda, I would if you weren't ugly, a bitch, and I wasn't so deeply in love with Ginny here," I replied.

"Oh, so you got back together with that hussy," she said, acting as if Ginny wasn't sitting right next to me. I felt Ginny tense up beside me.

"Ginny is not a hussy," I told her, trying to pry her off of my arm.

"Unlike you," Ginny muttered under her breath. I chuckled.

"Oh, but she is. She dated Michael Corner, and Dean Thomas, just to make you jealous," Romilda said.

Ginny tackled her off of the seat, pulling Romilda's hair and banging her head on the ground.

"I'm the hussy? Really Romilda? You're the one who tried to give Harry a love potion while you were dating Jace Waters and Tyler White. A love potion that led to my brother being poisoned," Ginny screamed. I tried to pull her off of Romilda but she had a strong grip.

"Ginny, stop, she's not worth the trouble you'll get into. Ron, Hermione, Help!" I shouted at the two idly sitting by. With their help we get got Ginny back on to the seat, and Romilda on the other side of the compartment.

"Romilda, I think it would be best of you left," Hermione said. Romilda scurried off and I sat next to Ginny.

"Bloody hell, Ginny, you could have murdered her!" Ron exclaimed.

"I would have, if Harry hadn't pulled me off of her," she glared at me.

"Ginny, if you had gotten expelled, your mum would be really mad. And I don't want to do this year with out you," I said, kissing her.

"Blimey, not here, eww," Said Ron.

"Fine then, I guess I'll just have to skip dinner and take her up to our dorm," I teased Ron. Ginny and Hermione laughed.

"Bugger off, Harry."

We arrived at Hogwarts hours later, and got a carriage with Neville and Luna. The whole ride was filled with catching up with the two. There was a lot of tension between them, and I wondered what what happened. Before I could ask, we pulled up at the door. we made our way to the great hall and waited for the sorting hat to start. I stared at Ginny the whole time during dinner, and after we went up to the common room. We waited until Ron went up to bed for me to out my arm around her shoulder and pull her close.

"Ginny, don't listen to Romilda. I love you more than you think. I always have, but I've been to blind to notice. You're the one that I'm marrying, not her. Okay?" I said.

"Okay," she replied. And then, we snogged each other senseless, eventually falling asleep in the others arms.

If you're looking for a good Harry Potter/ Ginny Weasley Story to read I recommend:

To love Harry's Heart by Emmalee_sky


Bad by Emmalee_sky

The Return to Hogwarts(A Hinny Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now