Chapter 20

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter



(Before the proposal)

I sat in my dorm, crying, Ron forgot Valentines Day.

It was hours before Parvati Patil, my roommate, left, and came back a few minutes later.

"Ron is the Common Room, waiting for you to come down," she said as she walked through the door again.

I followed Parvati down the stairs, wiping my eyes so Ron didn't see me crying.

"What do you want, Ronald?" I asked angrily.

"I have a surprise for you," he said. He dragged me out of the castle and into Hogsmeade, stopping in front of The Three Broomsticks.

"Put this on." He handed me a blindfold.


" 'Mione, just do it, I'm trying to be Romantic," he said nervously.

I reluctantly put the blindfold on.

"If you're leading me to murder, I swear to Merlin that I will make your life a living bloody hell from the afterlife," I said. He led me inside, pushing my back so I knew he was behind me.

He untied the blindfold, letting fall to the ground. I gasped at what I saw.

The pub was decorated for Valentines day, and trolls dressed up as Cupid, swinging around on ropes.

Banners were hung everywhere, saying things like Happy Valentines Day.

"Turn around," Ron said. I did as I was told. Ron was kneeling on the ground, a tiny black box held open in his hand.

"Hermione Jean Granger, we both know that I haven't loved you since we met, but I knew I loved you when you defended Harry in front of Sirius, before we knew he was innocent. Blimey, I was jealous that you weren't protecting me, but when you still talked to me while I was mad at Harry for becoming a Triwizard Champion, I knew you loved me, and not him. I was extremely jealous of Krum, but you're mine now, so Would you marry me?" Ron asked, breathing heavily when he finished.

"Yes," I said, my face stained with tears.


I couldn't stop smiling. I knew that it was going to work. I had a gut feeling.

"What're you thinking about, love?" Harry asked.

"Us, you, marriage," I replied.

He tensed. "You're not regretting this are you?"

"No, of course not. I'm very happy about this."

"Bloody hell, Ginny, you almost give me a heart attack," he said, placing his hand over his heart.

Just then, Ron and Hermione walked into the common room, Hermione looking giddy, and Ron extremely happy.

"He finally did it then?" I asked the bushy haired brunette. "He proposed?"

She nodded, and then looked down at my left hand, gasping as she saw the ring.

"Ginny, I never noticed how beautiful this ring was. Are you sure you're ready to marry Harry after he broke you heart for the third time?" The first time being when he kissed Cho Chang.

"Hermione, that first time doesn't even really count. We weren't together then. And yes, I've waited forever for this to come."

"Alright then," she said.

"So Harry, Ginny, do you want our dorm, or the Room of Requirements tonight?" Ron asked.

"Actually," Harry began. "I told McGonagall about the proposals, and since you two are Head boy and Girl," he pointed at Ron and Hermione, "and Ginny and I are Quidditch Captains and we were the main ones who defeated Vol-" Harry was cut off by Hermione.

"Don't say the name yet, it reminds me off a terrible time."

" Okay, You-Know- Who," Harry said that part disgusted, "she's given us our own tower. It's that one abandoned one that nobody uses, on the west side of the castle. It has fourteen rooms just like all of the other towers, a common room, a kitchen, and private bathrooms. So, are you guys up for it?"

"Yes!" I exclaimed. "When can we move in?"

"Tonight if we want to," Harry said.


So I found out today that my computer will automatically make "Murder" turn into "Marauder" I'm proud.

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