Chapter 15

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter



As I crawled in to bed, Ron shot up, and glared.

"Where were you?" He asked.

"With your sister, you?"

"Umm, withhermione," he mumbled, his face turning pink.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" I asked.

"Blimey Harry! Grow some ears. I said I was with Hermione."

"So you were doing the same thing I was, I suppose? But you guys were probably snogging. Ginny and I don't do that as much as you guys do." I smirked as his face turned as red as his hair.

"Well, it's nice to know that you respect my sister," he said.


Harry. He took her, again.

Really, I didn't care about Ginny, not in that way. I used to, but now, it's someone else. I cared for Ginny as a best friend.

The one who saved everybody. My hero.


I knew that I was bisexual for him, not completely gay, when he turned up and saved us from Malfoy Manor.

"I have to get Ginny out of the picture," I said to myself. "Harry will be mine." I wasn't going to hurt Ginny, just make her hate Harry again.

Little did I know that the green eyed 'Chosen One' himself was listening.


"I have to get Ginny out of the picture," I had heard Dean say. "Harry will be mine."

I suddenly felt the need to protect Ginny from Dean, if he wanted to get rid of her. I will never let him hurt her.


The next week, I had the whole team, even Dean, practicing hard. I was going to make sure that Ginny got on to the Holyhead Harpies.

"Alright," I told everybody on our last practice before the game. "The first game of the season is a little late, but it's important. As you all probably know by now, because Dean can't keep his mouth shut, The Holyhead Harpies will be here to watch us, scouting out new team members," I looked at Ginny. I wasn't going to tell them that the Harpies were only coming for her, they might purposely destroy her chances.

"Everybody get a good night's sleep. I want a good game tomorrow," I said. "You may go."

"Ginny, Ron's given me to permission to spend the night with you. Mine, yours, or the Room of Requirements?"

"Room of Requirements, the beds in the dorms are far to small, so you can summon a bigger bed," she said.

"Alright, meet you there in 20 minutes? I'll clean up, you go get ready," I told her.

"See you later," she said.

"Bye, Love."

"You're so whipped, Man," Ron said.

"This coming from you, who ruined the Yule Ball for Hermione because she went with Krum," I retorted.

"Careful, I could take away my permission to spend the night with my sister."

"Too late," I said, finally getting the last bludger back in the box and running off.

I stopped at the seventh floor corridor and thought, 'I need a place with a big soft bed, and lots of food' over and over while walking passed the wall three times.

The door appeared and I walked in, making sure everything was perfect. Ginny walked in minutes later.

"This is perfect, Harry."

"Thank you, love."

While we were eating dinner, we talked about the Quidditch match.

"Are you nervous?" I asked.

"A little, but I can do this," she said.

"I know you can, love," I told her.

"Thank you."

I stood up and, her following, and pulled her towards me. I turned on some music and started dancing with her, her feet on top of mine. I leaned in, making our lips meet. She jumped up, wrapping her legs around my waist. Making our way to the bed, she tore her shirt off.

"Here's a potion. I'm not getting you pregnant at seventeen," I said, taking my shirt off and handing her the potion I brought.

"Thanks, don't tell Ron about this," she told me, downing the potion in one gulp.

We had fun that night, and I made sure we got up in time for the Quidditch game.


Plot twist, Dean's bisexual and after Harry. Oh my. And by the way, I'm not a homophobe.

Also I don't like Pokemon, that was just a special authors note in chapter 13




(If you guys want me to take this chapter down and rewrite without the bisexual part, you can Private message me, but majority will rule out.)

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