Chapter 22

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter



As Ginny fell asleep, I stared down at her, thinking about the months I was away from her for the the first time since June. It was hard, because I knew that Hogwarts was being run by Death Eaters, Snape the headmaster. Snape was eventually proven innocent, but that was when I returned to kill Voldemort, so I was afraid that he would do something to Ginny to lure me to Hogwarts. So I used the map that my father and his friends invented while they were at Hogwarts to check, and sure enough I saw Ginny every time I checked. I later found out that Snape had been punishing Muggle-borns and Blood traitors, as well as torturing First years and rule breakers. Ginny told me that she had the Cruciatus Curse used on her. She told me that Her Muggle Studies and Defense Against the Dark Arts teachers, who were Death Eaters, were in charge of discipline, and she had, in fact, been tortured.

I eventually fell asleep to the sound of her steady breathing, the feel of her heart beating through her shirt and mine.

The next morning, I woke up to an empty bed. I was worried because I didn't know where Ginny was, but then I heard voices carrying up the stairs, and knew Ginny was in the kitchen with Hermione, Parvati, and Luna. I made my way downstairs, and in to the kitchen. Ginny's back was turned away, so I motioned for the rest of the girls to keep talking as if I wasn't there. I very quietly walked up behind Ginny, and wrapped my arms around her.

"Good morning love," I said. Se jumped up and landed back in my arms.

"Bloody Hell, Harry, you scared me. Don't do that," she said.

"Sorry," I said. "What are you making?"

But before she could say anything, Neville came stumbling into the room.

"Harry, you need to come out of the tower, someone's here to see you," he said.

"Who?" I asked.

"They told me not to tell, its supposed to be a surprise."

"I'll finish breakfast while you're gone," Ginny said.

"I'll only be gone a few minutes," I said.

I realized that I hadn't put a shirt on, but I didn't care. Whoever wanted to talk to me would have to deal with it.

I stepped out of the tower, and saw the last person I thought I'd see.

Cho Chang was standing front of me, tears streaming down her face.

"Cho?" I asked. "What's wrong?"

"H-He k-killed my p-parents," she said.

"Who did?"

"L-Lucius M-Malfoy."

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"I h-have no w-where to l-live, he blew up my h-house a-after he m-murdered them. C-could I s-stay h-here?" She hiccuped.

"Umm, sure," I said, but it sounded like a question more than a statement.


"I wonder who wanted to talk to Harry so bad," Hermione stated.

"I don't know, but it must have been important if they wanted to surprise him," Parvati said.

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