Chapter 6

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter



The next morning, I awoke on a surface unfamiliar to me, with a pair of male arms around my waist. I turned around and saw Harry, his eyes shut and slightly snoring. I snuggled my head against his chest, but unfortunately he woke when I did this.

"Good morning, Love," he said groggily. "How long've you been awake?"

"I just woke up," I replied.

"Oh good. Did you sleep well?"

"Better than I have in a long while, what about you?" I asked him.

"I've never slept better," he chuckled. "We better move before Ron wakes up.

As I looked around the common room, I could hear Romilda giggling in the corner.

"Ginevra, where have you been?" Hermione screeched, coming down the steps from the dormitories. "I got worried when you didn't come up to bed last night."

"Harry and I fell asleep here, Hermione. I'm sorry that I scared you."

"It's okay Ginny, just next time, tell me."

We were walking down the corridor to Great Hall for breakfast, when Professor McGonagall came hurrying towards us.

"Potter, Weasley, come with me please," she said. Ron hung his head and started following her, but she looked back and stopped him. "Not you, Mr. Weasley. Miss Weasley."

We arrived at her office, and she murmured a password, the stone gargoyle springing to life. Ascending to her office, Harry and I exchanged nervous glances.

"Mr. Potter, Miss Weasley, You two are the best Quidditch players we have. We are restarting Quidditch, and I need new Captains, so I was wondering if you two would like to be Co Captains," She paused, waiting for our answers.

"Of course, I would love too," Harry said. "Ginny?"

"Yes, of course," I said.

"Alright then, now for more important matters. Mr. Potter, you proposed to Ms. Weasley, but Minister Shacklebolt worries that there are still some dangerous forces out there that are out to get you. Are you sure you think she's safe?" McGonagall asked.

"Yes, I do. I will never let anything hurt her, including myself," Harry said angrily.

"Very well then, Potter. You two may go."

We hurried down to the Great Hall, just in time for the new head of Gryffindor House to hand out time tables.

"Weasley, Ginerva," He said. Urgh. Newbies.

"Here, and it's Ginevra, or Ginny," I said, waving my arm in the air.

"Thank Merlin, we have all of our classes together," Harry said. "Defense first. Who's Professor Gain?"

"That one," I said, pointing to a woman up front. She was beautiful. I was immediately scared.

"Well I'm sorry, I was staring at the most beautiful girl last night," He said. My heart broke. I got up and ran out of the Hall. Wait, I thought, Harry was staring at me last night. Why am I being so emotional. I chuckled to myself. I turned to walk back into the hall, but I bumped into somebody.

"Ginny, are you okay?" the person asked, helping me up. It was Dean, my ex-boyfriend.

"Yeah I'm fine," I replied.

"Ginny," Harry's voice called. "I was talking about you." Harry stumbled up to me, looking out of breath.

"Harry, I know, I just over reacted," I said, kissing him. "See you later Dean."

"Bye Ginny," he said, smiling?


"Well I'm sorry, I was staring at the most beautiful girl last night," I said. Ginny got up and ran out of the hall.

"Harry," Hermione scolded.

"What? I was talking about her. You saw me staring at her last night."

"Oh, right," Hermione said, looking embarrassed. I rolled my eyes and ran after Ginny. I sighed in relief when I found her, but grew angry when I saw who she was talking to.

Dean? Why on earth is she talking to that slimy git?

"Ginny, I was talking about you!" I yelled, running up to her.

"Harry, I know, I just over reacted," she said, kissing me. "See you later Dean."

"Bye Ginny," Dean said, smiling. Why is he smiling? What did they talk about?

"Bloody git," I said.

"Aww, are you jealous Harry?" Ginny asked.

"No," I replied.

"Well good then, you shouldn't be. You're the only guy I've ever loved. You know that. I love you, Harry Potter.

"I love you too, Ginny Weasley," and with that, we made our way to our first Defense Against the Dark Arts class.


Hey, sorry, that's all I could write for right now because my iPod is about to die and I don't have access to a computer. I'll update later cuz I have an idea for Defense class. Anyway, how did you like this chapter and the last one. The last one was fun to write, because I love fights.




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