Chapter 7

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter



We were almost to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom when Ron and Hermione caught up.

"What do you think Professor Gain will start with today?' Ginny asked.

"Who knows, I bet half of the class will be focusing on her body. I mean she is pretty beautiful," I joked, instantly regretting it. "Ginny, I'm kidding. You're the only girl for me."

"You better be," she replied quickly. I wondered if she felt how I felt when she was talking to Dean. When we opened the door to the classroom, Seamus Finnigan was sitting in the front row, staring at the teacher, just as I predicted. Ginny went up to him and slapped him across the face. He still stared. I was just glad he wasn't staring at Ginny like that. We sat in the back, waiting for the rest of the class to come. I absentmindedly played with Ginny's fingers, until the last few kids trickled in. As the last person, Dean Thomas, entered, Professor Gain called me to the front of the class.

"Ah Mr. Potter, would you mind being my assistant for the year? Seeing as you defeated the Dark Lord last May," she said.

"Uhm," I looked back at Ginny. She nodded. "Sure."

"Great," she said, and the for the rest of class she had me talking about how I prepared for it. I didn't talk about the Horcrux hunt but I talked about Dumbledore's Army because everybody in the class was in it.

"Potter, a word with you," Gain called as the class filed out.

"Go ahead Ginny, I'll meet you in charms," I told Ginny, kissing her cheek.

"Ok, see you in charms," she replied. "I love you."

"I love you," I said.

"Potter," Gain said as Ginny left. "I realised you didn't say anything about your sixth and seventh years."

"That's because I didn't do much in sixth year, and I was helping my aunt and uncle move out of their house last year, so I wasn't here," I didn't tell her what I was actually doing the previous year because I didn't know who I could trust.

"Ok," she said, but it was obvious she didn't believe me. "You can go now."

Charms went by agonizingly slow, but Potions was fun. Ginny was lagging behond because she was talking to Hermione, so Romilda Vane slid into the seat next to me. The potions lesson just happened to be about Love Potions. Ginny sat by Dean, probably just to make me mad. She was watching Romilda like a hawk, and I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing, which drove both Romilda and Ginny mad. At one point she had to get her water bottle of her bag, but Dean volunteered to get it for her so she didn't have to stop watching Romilda. When the lesson ended, Slughorn asked for me to have lunch with him, so I couldn't talk to Ginny.

For the rest of the day, Ginny sat between Ron and Hermione, so I wouldn't have a chance to talk to her until after the lessons. When we got to the Common Room, I went to put my arms around Ginny but she shoved me away, and ran to hug Dean. He said something and she laughed. She grabbed his shirt and kissed him, just like she did to me.

What? Why is she Hugging Dean? I thought she loved me. And then it hit me. The water bottle. Dean had given her a love potion.

"Hermione, how do you reverse a love potion?"

"That stuff that Slughorn used on Ron in sixth year, I have some here," she said, digging through her bag and producing a small vial.

"Thanks Hermione." I ran upstairs and grabbed my cloak, and then quickly ran back and grabbed Ginny's water bottle. I ran out of the common room with it and poured the contents of the vial in, and ran back to the room placing it on the table just as she reached for a drink.

As she emptied the bottle, I pulled off the cloak and attacked Dean.

"YOU GAVE HER A LOVE POTION? WHAT THE BLOODY HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU? SHE'S MINE!" I yelled in between punches. A small crowd had gathered around us.

Ron and Seamus pulled me off of him.

"Harry, shh, calm down," Ginny's voice soothed me. "It's okay, I love you," and all the anger left my body. Ginny walked up and punched Dean in the face. "You are a git, Dean, I never want to see you again."

"Show's over," Ron yelled, "Go back to your own business.'

"It was Romilda's idea," Dean said.


Damn, Looks like another fight between Ginny and Romilda is coming. So how did you like it? Fight scenes are fun to write. All right then,




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