Crystal Skies

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Luke's P.O.V

I can't believe she told me to leave, just that easy.

We've known each other since first grade, and we kind of went our separate ways after that, she moved up north of Australia, and I stayed down south. She moved back her fifth grade year, but we went to two different schools.

Then, when our sixth grade year was over with, we went to the same school. I saw her, and immediately knew, how much she had changed and grew up.

I started talking to her bestfriend, and her bestfriends parents wasn't real crazy about boys, so when we wanted to hang out, it was through Sam. Then Sam told me she liked me, but I liked Layla, and Layla liked a guy named Joe.

It was so complicated, but I ended up dating Layla, not thinking about Sams feelings, or Joes. After about a month and a half, Layla broke up with me. I thought I could never love again.

But then I turned to Sam, and she was there with me, to help me, through, all my complicated, relationships, she was there with me one hundred percent.

And since 7th grade, that's why, I chose her to be my bestfriend, well I didn't really choose her out of other people to be my bestfriend, but because, she understood me, she knew me, better than my own family did.

But, why couldn't come up with an excuse? Right, I didn't want to tell her how much she meant to me. Sarah, she's a pretty girl, but everything anybody else in life wants, gets handed down to her on a silver platter.

Her dad, had connections with everybody. You would think as pretty as she is, she'd have so much going for her in life. But, dang she is not smart. I hate to say that, but she already has a scholarship to a nursing school up north of Alabama, and we aren't even out of our Jumior year of highschool.

That's how bad it is. I'm sitting here, naked in Sarah's bed though, thinking about what a bitch she is.

"Baby, you seemed distracted, whats wrong?" Sarah ask me, sitting on my crotch, and leans down, and nuzzles her head in the crook of my neck, and shoulder.

"I'm fine." I snap. "Damn, do I need to loosen you up some again?" She ask, slowly kissing my neck, and moving her hand from my shoulder, down my body. I grab her hand, and stop her from going any further. This doesn't feel right.

"Stop, Get the fuck off me." She looks a bit surprised after I tell her that, and push her aside. I stand and grab all my clothes from the room, and get dressed.

"What the hell is going on?" "It was a mistake, I shouldn't have left Sam, I shouldn't have invited you, I shouldn't have slept with you, you were just something every guy needs."

"So, you practically just needed sex?" she ask, with that puppy dog face. "Yup, exactly what I needed. Thanks woman." I say popping the p on yup. "But but, I'm going to.." "Your going to what, tell your Daddy? Go ahead and tell him, then I can tell him, how many guys at school have naked pictures of you, and have your thongs sitting in there dirty clothes hamper."

Her face after I finish is priceless. "You wouldn't!" She stand ups and wraps her sheets around her body. "Oh, but I would." I tell her followed by a wink. With that, I turn back towards the door, and leave.

Instead of going to Sams house to apologize, I just go home.

When I get home, my dads car is there, which was unusual.

I jab in the code to get in the house, and toss my shoes off my feet, and throw my keys on the counter. Unaware of what time it is, my dad comes stumbling in the kitchen, and quickly shuts his eyes.

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