Our First Date Part 2

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Sam P.O.V.

Two miserable hours later, I got off the couch, and decided I should get ready for my date with Luke later on. It was currently 4:45, but I needed a long hot shower.

I stripped all my wet clothes off (from crying so much) and stepped into the shower. I let the scalding water trickle down my body before lathering my hair up with my favorite green apple shampoo.

30 long hot minutes later, I got out of the shower, and threw on a pair of sweatpants and a tank top, until it was officially time for me to get ready. I laid on my bed for a few minutes until Layla came barging in my room. "Lets get this party started!" She came over and sat next to me, and looked at me.

"What?" I ask her "Oh, just wondering what Luke and Calum might have planned for out date tonight." When the words fell from her mouth, she smiled widely, and squealed. "So it's a double date?" She quickly nodded, and smiled.

"Let's get ready." She said going to her bag and plugging in her flat iron, and curling wand. I get up and go sit on a stool in front of my mirror, and she starts working on my hair.

20 minutes later she's done with my hair and make up, and since her hair is naturally wavy, like mine, she just goes over it with the flat iron, and curling the ends.I get dressed, and put my leather jacket on, along with my sandals, and quickly paint my fingers the same color as my shirt.

I go downstairs and wait for Layla to finish getting ready. 10 minutes until out dates she comes down in a Cami top, and a black skirt, with white sandals, and baby blue nail polish on her fingers and toes.

The door bell rings, and my heart immediately falls into my stomach, and Layla quickly looks at me. "Holy shit, I'm so nervous." She stands pacing the floor. I get up and walk to her. " It's ok, we will be together, let's just go, and have a good time."

We look at ourselves in the mirror one last time before opening the door to reveal Ashton, and Mikey holding a envelope. They hand us each one, and walk away.

We both open our envelopes, and mine says: Go to my house.. And so does Layla's. We both quickly walk to Luke's house, and there is a note on the door. We take it and it reads : Sam, Layla got to Luke's room. We run up the stairs and into Luke's room. There is a note card in his mirror and it reads: Luke's and Calums favorite pizza toppings.

We quickly ran around the kitchen searching for their favorite toppings. I found the pepperonis and Layla found pineapples, and I found the ham. We put the items together and it said together, go to the diner, and had a key taped to the pineapples. I pulled it off and walked out into the garage, and clicked the button, and went to the silver Honda.

I backed out of the drive and began to the diner. "They put way too much into this date, don't you think?" Layla asked me. "I think it's sweet." She nodded. I pulled into the diner, and didn't see Calum, or Mikey, or even Ashton's car around. Not even Luke's. I parked the car, and we ran inside, well tried to, but the sign said closed. We looked around inside, but the lights where off, and nothing could be seen.

We where heading back to the car when a man walked over to us. "Can I help you ladies?" He asked us. I had never seen this man before. "No sir, we where sent here from our boyfriends, they set up a date for us, but seems to be a damn puzzle." Layla politely talks. "Well you two beautiful ladies must be Sam, and Layla." The tall man widely smiled. We looked at each other, and nodded.

He handed us an envelope, and ran away. This note read: Two more clues. It's a relaxing place, where all you hear is the waves. "The beach!" We ran back to the car, and drove off to the beach. Right when we go to pull into the beach lot, we get pulled over by a sheriff. "Excuse me ma'am but I need your license and registration." The mans deep voice huffed. I handed him my license and he shoved back at me.

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