She Looks So Perfect

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~Skip until friday, to talent show~

Ashton P.O.V.

I grab my drum sticks, and we all walk out on stage. I sit there and pretend like I'm hitting my drums, while Luke talks into the microphone. "Hi, I'm Luke, and most of you should know that, but we are 5 seconds of summer, and we will be playing a new song we wrote, and two covers. This first one you should all know." He looks back at me and nods. I start hitting on my drums.

We finished our first two covers. Rolling in the Deep, and What I like about You. Now it's time for the song Luke wrote. "Ok, this is our first song . Hope you enjoy. Luke wrote this so if you don't like it blame him." Calum jokes. I start hitting my drums and the boys strum on there guitars.

I look around and try to find Kasey, and I finally spot her next to Sam, and another girl. I smile and she blows me a kiss. I look back out at the students, and they all are smiling and waving there hands in the air.

We finish the last song, and everybody was cheering, and clapping. We take our stuff off the stage and walk over to the girls.

Kasey wraps her arms around my neck, once she spots me. She crashes her lips to mine, and begins kissing every inch of my face. "Ok,ok." I tell her putting my hand on her forehead and extending my arm, so she can't touch me. She pouts, and backs up. I begin to laugh, and pull her into my chest. I look over, and Sam and Luke are standing there all cuddled up. I swear they would be so cute together.

Sam, is so bubbly, and she's so perfect for him. I remember when they both came to school in second grade, they had on the same shoes, and the same outfit. Luke had short blonde hair, and big blue eyes. Sam looked the same, as she does to this day, except she wore pig tails everyday.

Sam was standing there laughing and talking with Luke and some girl. "Hey ash, you guys come here." She hollers. I get Michael and Calum, and the four of us walk over to her.

"I want you guys to meet Layla. Layla this is Mikey, Calum, Ashton, Kasey, and you've met Luke." That's her name.
"H-hey." Calum stuttered. "Nice to meet you." I say and Kasey smiles. "Sup" Michael says.

"It's nice to meet you all." She says waving at all of us. "Do you guys all want to come back to my house and swim?" Sam asks. I nod, as well as Calum, Luke, and Layla. "Mikey, Ash, Kase? you guys in?" "I have to babysit." Kasey frowns. "I have to attend a family dinner." Mikey says. "I'm real tired, I'll just go home and nap. I might come over later." I tell them. They all nod, and head out to leave.

Luke, me, Cal, and Mikey were all standing there when the principle walked over with a man. "Boys this is Tony. He owns a club, he wants y'all to come play live next weekend." He tells us. We all agree to play, and the man leaves.

"See you guys later." I say jumping into my car and taking off.

Calum P.O.V

I know I just met Layla, but she is absolutely gorgeous. She's short, but not too short, she has long black- brown flows hair, brown eyes, and she's just perfect.

"Hey, I'm Calum. But you can call me Cal." I tell her. She smiles. "I'm Layla, but you can call me Layla. I don't have any cool nicknames." She laughs. "Well, what do you say, lets go to Sams house." "Ok, do you mind taking me by my house to get a swimsuit?" "Sure thing, anything for a girl as gorgeous as you." I feel my cheeks slightly turn red,and she just laughs.

"We will meet you guys at Sams." I tell Sam and Luke, and Sam just gives me a thumbs up. She must have read my mind. She must can tell I sort of like this girl. I wink at her before leading Layla to my car. We have small talk from the school to her house, and from hers to mine. "Would you like to come in with me?" I ask her parking my car, outside my house. "Sure."

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