Our first Date Part 1

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Luke P.O.V.

I was so happy when Sam said she'd be my girl. I've been dreaming of this moment for ages. I woke up, happy and just, happy. The girl I have been madly in love with for almost 2 years now , agreed to be my girl.

I open my eyes, and turn to my side where Sam is laying and she has her eyes open, and her hand on my chest slowly drawing circles. "Good Morning baby." I say leaning down pressing my lips to her temple. "Mmmm." "I want to take you on a proper date tonight." I tell her playing with her fingers. " Luke, you don't have to." "But I want to." "Fine." She says getting up, kissing my cheek, and crawling out of bed.

I pull my phone off its charger and text the guys.

Sam P.O.V.

I'm really nervous for out date tonight. I know it's just Luke, but he's my boyfriend now. Everything will be different. Our funny laughing moments, and our late night cuddles will be different. We aren't just friends any more, we aren't just bestfriends, he's my boyfriend, and I'm his girlfriend.

I never had pictures Luke and I together. I imagined I would grow old, and die alone with a dog. Her name would Anne, and she would be a Golden Retriever. But Luke and I are dating, and I now see a future with him. Me, him, and the guys all traveling around the world, them playing a few gigs, and us moving in together, and getting married, ok, maybe not getting married.

I'm taken out of my thoughts when Luke waves his hand infront of my face.

"Oh, um sorry what?" "I'll pick you up at 7." He tells me kissing my cheek before walking out the door. I walk down the stairs and wake Layla. Calum was gone with Luke, so I decided to wake her and tell her about Luke and I.

"Layla, get up." I say while shaking her. "Shut up Calum, I'm not giving you a blow job again." She spats, and I slap my hand to my mouth. "Layla, what the hell? It's Sam not Cal!" I yell.

"I know, I was just messing with you." she says sitting up, stretching out her arms. "Well, I'm going on a date with Luke tonight and I need something to wear." I tell her sitting at the end of the bed.

"WHAT?!?" "He asked me to be his girlfriend last night, and I said yes, then we woke up and he said he wanted to take me on a proper date." I chuckle. "Oh my god. I have to call Calum. Wait where is Calum?" She frowns. "Luke took him." I tell her.

"Oh, well, since we are talking about boyfriend girlfriend, I'm dating Calum." She tells me slightly blushing. "Really?" I smile. I knew they would, really hit it off. "Yeah, he asked me to go on a date with him tomorrow night. So we should go shopping." "Yeah. Lets go, and when we are done we can grab a bite to eat." With that, we walk out the door, and go shopping.

We run into Michael, and he was overly excited that Luke and I finally got together, and he was shocked that Layla and Calum where dating, but he was happy. "Now I'm the only single one in the group guys." He pouts walking into the girly store with Layla and I. He had just got off work, and said he'd tag along and help us pick something out.

Michaels P.O.V.

Sam grabbed a bunch of clothes and ran into a dressing room. Her first out fit was a red sweat shirt that said 'All time low' and a pair of black faded skinny jeans. Don't get me wrong she looked great in it, but wasn't for her date with Luke.

"What about this?" She asks spinning around. "Not for your first date with Luke, that's more of a lazy day with him." I tell her honestly. "True." She nods and turns back into the dressing room.

Many, many outfits later, she decided on a pair of black faded skinny jeans, and a pink crop top. It showed just enough skin but not too much. She bought a black leather jacket to go over her shirt. She paid for her stuff, and then we all went to eat.

"Guys I'm the only single one in the group." I say taking a seat at an empty table. "It's ok Mikey, she's out there somewhere." Layla said taking a seat across from me.

Throughout our lunch Layla and I made small talk, and Sam would throw her opinion in every once in a while, but she was real quite. When I caught her crying I finally asked her what's wrong.

"Sam, darling what's wrong?" She looked up and had tears filled in her eyes ready to spill out. She slowly looked back down to her phone and the looked back up to me and handed it to me.

It was a text from her ex-boyfriend, with a picture attached. The picture was of her and Luke in her bed, doing it. The text message read 'Hello there Sammy. Hope you like my great photography skills. Anyway to get to the point, hope you wouldn't be too embarrassed with this lovely picture hanging around the school. Oh, before I go on, and before I forget, I told everybody that you were a slut, who only dated me to get in my pants. And that you cheated in me with that Luke guy. So if you where wondering why people will be giving you dirty looks Monday morning, then that's why. Have a good weekend.'

I set her phone down on the table and jumped up and ran around the table and wrapped my arms around her. "It's ok, we will figure this out. Let's just go home. Ok, everything will be ok." I had noticed a few people around us starring at my sudden outburst, but really didn't pay too much attention to it. A few if those people where indeed from our school. They all soon had began laughing and pointing at us.

Sam hadn't noticed yet. "Come on, let's go." I picked her up, and carried her out bridal style out of the mall. Once we got out the doors, I ran straight to my car, and Layla trailed along with all there shopping bags.

"I'll meet you at her place." I told Layla before sitting Sam down in the passenger seat. Layla quickly jotted off towards her car.

We finally reached her house, and nobody was around. She insisted on walking herself inside and that she would be okay by herself. Layla dropped her shopping bags off, then I got a message from Luke saying for the band to meet at the local diner.

I waved goodbye to Layla, and told Sam I would call her later, before going to the diner. I enter the diner, and all the boys are sitting around, sipping drinks.

I sat down next to Luke and across from Calum, and joined in on there conversation. "Ok, so I was thinking since Calum asked Layla out, and they are dating, and now that Sam and I are dating, that maybe Ash you and Mikey would like to help us set up a proper date for them?" Luke said eyeing Ashton, and I.

"Um, sure. I don't mind. What's going on? What do you have in mind?" Ashton asks, taking another sip of his drink.

"Well, I was thinking....."


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