Chapter 2

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Yoongi's POV

'What?! Taehyung is in a club? How can he manage to get in there? He is underage. Maybe he give money to the guy in the club.' I thought myself. I hurriedly go to the club. Me and my brothers enter the club and immediately spotted drunken Taehyung. Gosh.. What am I going to tell Jin hyung?
"Hey, Tae, let's go home. We're worried about you. Thank you for taking care of my brother. How much should I pay for the drink?" I asked the bartender. "It's 50$." I gave him extra 50$ for taking care of Taehyung.

Jungkook's POV

"Jungkook, carry him." Yoongi hyung ordered me. "O-Okay hyung." He called me by my name. He must be very angry right now. "Hmmmm... Kookie hyunggg.. Where are we going?"Taehyung talk slurry. "We're going home."

"I don't want to go home.. Let me go hyunggg..." he is whining and try to get down from my back. "TAEHYUNG!! CAN YOU PLEASE BEHAVE? DON'T YOU KNOW THAT WE'RE TIRED? JIN HYUNG IS WORRIED ABOUT YOU." Yoongi hyung snapped at him and he flinched a little. "B-But why did you guys care when you are tired? Just let me do want I want to do." He answered while trying to hold his tears. "It's because we love you Tae. You're our baby brother." Jimin answered instead of Yoongi hyung. He just mumbled some incoherent words and drift of to sleep.

Jin's POV

Gosh... Where did Tae go? When I fetch him from school, he didn't talk much. Not like his usual behavior. What happen to him? Did his rebellious side come back? Please let him be okay. Soon after that I heard the door opens and my brothers just came back. Yoongi told me what happen and I was shock. Taehyung is drunk? How did he get into the club? He is underage. I just ignore that thought and order my brothers. "Namjoon, Hoseok, go get some water, cloth and blanket. Come, put Tae on the couch."

-time skip-

No one's POV

Taehyung is now sleeping in his room while his brothers was thinking about what happen to Taehyung. "What do you guys think is happening to Tae? What's the reason that he acts like this?" The eldest talk to break the silence. "We don't know hyung. He have been like this since mom and dad gone. What do you think Hoseok? You always cherish him." Namjoon started. "I don't know. He also didn't talk to me about his problem anymore. And why am I the one that cherish him? It's Jin hyung who cherish him the most. Can you see the love that Jin hyung give to him?" The twins started to fight each other.

"Hey, stop fighting. Okay, I do cherish him but I gave everyone same type of love. Maybe because he's the baby brother, I kinda gives him more love. I know that. Yoongi? Jimin? Jungkook? How about you guys?" Jin stated. "I don't want to talk about that kid. It makes me angry. So I'm going to sleep. Goodnight." Yoongi just simply answered. "Yeah. I think you guys also need to go to sleep. Jimin, Jungkook. You guys have school tomorrow right? Please tell Tae's class teacher that he's absent tomorrow. He probably gonna have bad hangover tomorrow." Jin asked the others to sleep since it's already late. They just nodded and went to their rooms.

Jin didn't goes straight to his room but he goes to Taehyung room to check on him. He slowly open the bedroom door just in case Taehyung woke up from his sleep. He steps towards the bed then sit at the edge of the bed. He study his baby brothers face figures. 'He has dad's eyes, mom's nose.' He smile to himself. "What happen to you Tae? Why you didn't want to talk to us about it? Please, hyung don't want the old Taehyung come back. Goodnight baby." He kissed Taehyung forehead and he went to his room.

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