Chapter 33

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The whole house was woken up with a sudden loud cries from Taehyung's room. Miyoung who was preparing breakfast instead of Jin since he had to work outstation, ran upstairs to see what happened to the poor boy. Both Jin and Miyoung had been married for a month now.

It was Jin's wedding day but Taehyung was the one who is excited for it. "Yey!!! Miyoung noona will be TaeTae's mummy!!" He screamed for the whole house to listen. "Hey easy the little guy. What got you so hyped?" Hoseok try to calm the said boy. "Hobi hyung, Miyoung noona will be TaeTae's mummy officially in a few hours." Taehyung said with excitement.

The wedding went smoothly and they both married. After they both kissed, a certain someone went over to them. "Can TaeTae get kiss too?" All the guest laugh at his cuteness. "Of course you can baby." With that, both of them kisses Taehyung's cheek.

~end of flashback~

She ran up to see that Taehyung sprawled on his bed with tears and sweats streamed down his face. She went inside and carefully strokes Taehyung brown locks which is a little damp caused by his sweats. "What happened Tae? Why did you cry?" Miyoung said with sad plastered on her face. "M-Mummy.. icky.." Taehyung mumbles as more tears came out. She sighed. This means that Taehyung can't go to school and someone had to look after him. Unfortunately, his other brothers already went out and the only left is Jungkook since she need to send him to school along with Taehyung. A bulb light up. "Baby, do you want to go to work with mummy?" She asks Taehyung and he reply with a weak nod. "Let's get you ready then we'll send Kookie to school and went to mummy's workplace."

After they sent Jungkook to school, Miyoung drove to the hospital with sleeping Taehyung at the back. Probably exhausted with his sickness. As she parked her car at the parking lot, she tried to wake Taehyung up. "Tae baby.. wake up. We've arrived." Taehyung shift a bit then continue to sleep. To her luck, her co-worker walked pass her car. She asked for his help to bring Taehyung to her work space. They put him on the bed that was prepared in her work space. "Woah he's really burning. Why did you bring him to work? Did you tell Jin about this?" Miyoung's co-worker asked with worried tone. She sigh. "He had no one to take care of him. So, I had to bring him. No, I haven't told him. He will be worried to death." She laughs a little. "Shouldn't you gave him some medication for his fever? Since you're in hospital." Her co-worker suggested but was decline by Miyoung. "He can't eat any medicine since he would definitely throw up." She answered with sad tone. "Isn't he was the kid with the mental illness? I mean depression and things?" Miyoung nods at the sudden question. "Why didn't Jin sent him to the mental institution? He need treatment." Miyoung shook her head. "No, he can't. He really love his brother so much. But I really wish he gets treated. I can't stand with his condition. I pity him." Her co-worker just nods and went to continue his works. Little did they know that Taehyung had overheard their little conversation.

"Will mummy send me to the mental institution?"

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