Chapter 9

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Jin's POV

After Tae fall to his slumber, I thought for a while.. Well this is one of my way to get his trust again. I smile to myself. Oh. I forgot to ask him where he had been to until he get home this late. I should ask him tomorrow when I'm sending him to school. I kept thinking until I fell asleep.

-time skip-

I was waken with no one by my side. Isn't Tae was here last night? Maybe he already went to his room. I shrugged it off and went to the bathroom to refresh myself. After that, I come downstairs to cook breakfast for them. Time to wake them up. I went to Jimin's room and peek inside. 'He already awake'. I thought to myself. Then to Jungkook's room. Same. I asked Jungkook to wake Taehyung up while I'm going downstairs to wait for them. He nodded.

Jungkook's POV

I was getting ready to school when Jin hyung came up to my room. He asked me to wake Taehyung up. I nodded and went to his room. I was shocked. He's not in his room. I searched everywhere inside his room but there's no one.

No one's POV

Jin was having a cup of coffee peacefully when Jungkook suddenly screamed around the house. "HYUNG!! TAEHYUNG IS NOT IN HIS ROOM!!".  The others who were eating almost choked on their food. "What?! Are you sure Kookie? Have you already searched everywhere?Maybe he fall from the bed." Yoongi said while trying to calm himself down. "Well, I already searched in his room and bathroom and he's not there. Hyung could you give him a call?" Jungkook asked Jin to call Taehyung where was he.

Taehyung: Hello?

Jin: Tae! Where are you?

Taehyung: I'm at school hyung.

Jin: Already?! Why? Its still early.

Taehyung: Ummm.. Its just.. I feel like I need some time alone.. sorry

Jin: It's okay. Just behave at school. Take care. Bye love you.

Taehyung: Okay. Bye.

Call ended.

Jin was wondering why did Taehyung went to school without his brothers. "Jimin, Jungkook, remember to meet Tae when it's lunch. Ask him to eat too. He didn't ate breakfast I think." I told them and they just nodded and get off the car and wave goodbye. I should have pay more attention to him. I told myself. I drove all the way to the hospital since today I have an important meeting.

Taehyung's POV

Today I woke up in Jin hyung bedroom. I think twice about waking him up but I decided to not wake him up. I felt different. Maybe he is controlling my body. I just shrugged it off. I just went to my room and get ready to school. I went to school by walking today since I feel like I need to have some time alone by myself.

After arriving at school gate I checked my phone and it's still early so I decided to go to school rooftop and chill up there. Guess that rebel side is back. Then my phone vibrated signing that someone called me. I groan and pick the phone when it shows my brother's name on it. It's Jin hyung. I answered it and Jin hyung asked me where was I with worried tone in his voice. I just answered that I'm already at school and he just told me to take care. I should've not answered the call. Maybe they did worry about me. No they don't. They're just faking it.

I decide to go to my classroom since class going to started in 10 minutes. As I'm on my way, I had a bad feeling about something will happen but I just shrugged it off and just went to my class. I soon arrived at my classroom and I take a deep breath and open the door. I was welcome with paint from above. And it was red. I was drenching wet with red paint. "You actually look good in red, killer."

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