Chapter 7

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Jin's POV

After I called Yoongi and the others I tried to calm myself again.

~ flashback ~

After I grounded Tae, I decided to cook lunch for him since I don't have to go back to work. Well I still have soft spot for him and I don't want him to starve. I cooked for him ttbeokki and cheese buldak (spicy cheese chicken). Then I went upstairs to ask him to eat. I knocked on the door and get no reply. I try second time. "Tae, come downstairs. Hyung cooked for you some lunch." Silence. I decided to open his door with spare key I hide in my room.

When I open his bedroom door, my heart dropped. His room is in mess and Tae lying on the floor with blood on his arm. I hurriedly go inside and try to wake him up. I tried to stop the bloods. He look lifeless at this state. I whisper to him, "T-Tae, hyung is here.Y-You're not alone baby. Shhh..." I said with tears streaming down my face. Then I decided to call everyone and call the ambulance.

~end of flashback~

He cut himself again. He broke his promise. Was he lost hope? God.. I hope he's not losing hope. I really need him in my life. He always cut himself when he felt alone or neglected. He had promise us if he had any urge to cut, he will call us. But, no. He broke his promise.

Tae's POV

I run the broken glass on my left arm. I hissed at the pain but it felt good. After a while, I finally stop drawing lines on my arm. My head feel light. Like I'm on cloud. The last thing that I remember that I saw Jin hyung came into my room. He probably want to humiliate me. I know that.

No one's POV

The other sibling rushed to Seoul Hospital. Their mind was clouded with one thing. Their little brother. Is Tae okay? Will he survive? Jin said that he lost too much blood. And he's not stabilize yet. They spotted Jin sitting at waiting area. "Hyung what did the doctor say?" Hoseok asked immediately. "The doctor said that he's having blood transfusion since he lost too much blood." They just nodded and keep waiting. They don't have any urge to go eat or anything. They just pray that their brother will be save.

-time skip-

After hours of waiting, the emergency room door finally open. They immediately rush to the doctor in charge. "How is he doctor? Is he stabilize yet? Did he wake up yet?" Jimin bombared the doctor with questions that he needed the answer. The doctor just smile and said," He is stabilize now. Don't worry, he will wake up soon." They thanked the doctor and let out relieve sigh. They ask the nurse where is their brother room located and goes to the room. They saw pale looking Taehyung sleeping peacefully. Their heart dropped at the sight. They felt guilty all over their mind. They should apologize to him when he wake up.

-time skip-

Taehyung already awake but his brothers mind was hazy yet because of Taehyung's words. "What did you guys doing here? Just go do your work. I'm not that important for you guys to ignore your works." Taehyung spat. They were shocked with his statement. "But Tae, we're worried about you. That's why-" Jungkook was cut off by Taehyung. "Just get out. I don't want to see your face. You guys are not my brother." He said with tears threatening to fall. He turned his back from his brothers. They just went out from that room because they know that Taehyung wanted to be alone. "What have I done?" Jin sighed. "It's okay hyung. It's our fault too. We'll figure it out. How to make him be with us again." Namjoon said comforting his hyung. He just nodded.

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