Chapter 3: Photo Shoot Fallout

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Conscious of the 10 hour time difference, I pull out my phone to call my wife. I need to see her face and hear her voice like I need air to breathe. Especially after the last 24 hours. The girls traveled well, as always, but the hand-off to Amelia left a bad taste in my mouth – as only an encounter with Amelia can.

Amelia and Markus met me at Heathrow so I could make my connection into Athens. The girls raced to her open arms, "Mummy! We have so many things to tell you!" "We had SO MUCH fun!" "Wait til you hear about Tara! Koki wants to introduce her to Uncle JJ. Can we please be there when that happens? We LOVE Tara!" "Wait til you see all the STUFF we got." And on and on it went. Millie kept a smile on her face, but I could see the disapproval lurking beneath.

"Spoiling again, James?" She hands the girls off to Markus who heads them off toward baggage claim with a commiserating look my way.

"Not at all. You'll see – small souvenirs and some gifts from the family." I refrained from mentioning that the bigger gifts were stored at our home for their enjoyment when they are with us and to head off this exact conversation.

"Ah yes, the FAMILY. Of course." She can't hide her snide tone. She has yet to recover from last Thanksgiving.



"Dakota, are you sure this is a good idea?"

She continues to pack up delicious smelling dishes from our kitchen. "Of course it is. The girls love spending Thanksgiving with the whole family, and Amelia and Markus have never had an American Thanksgiving. Plus, it might help them see first-hand how a blended family operates. Maybe it will help Amelia relax a bit about how attached the girls are to our extended family." She leans up to give me a sweet kiss, steps back, and leans in for a deeper one. "Umm, I want more of that later, please." After one more quick peck she gives me my orders. "Please start loading this stuff up and I'll get the kids in the car. I want to make sure we get to Mama's before they do."

I start gathering things, "I don't see why the girls couldn't go with us."

"Jamie, quit pouting. This will be uncomfortable for Amelia. Having the girls with her when she arrives will help her feel more comfortable and ease her transition. Trust me."

God, I don't deserve her and her goodness. I snort as I move out the door with my first load, and think to myself, and Millie sure as hell doesn't. She hasn't been unkind to Dakota, but she hasn't been kind either. She is still as jealous as hell of her and seems to take pleasure in making things difficult when she can. The one saving grace is that she apparently doesn't share her personal opinions in front of Dulcie and Elva, because I feel certain we would have heard if she did.

Within minutes of arriving at Mama Mel's, Trey has been taken over by Uncle JJ and Rosie Roo is happily ensconced with her Poppi, who is showing her pictures on his phone. As I bring the last load to the kitchen, I'm overwhelmed, once again, at the sight and sensation of this amazing family. Dakota, Stella, Grace, Melanie, and Kelly are all working side by side and cooperatively in the kitchen, while Grandma Tippi supervises from the other side of the bar, a glass of champagne in her perfectly manicured hand.

The doorbell rings and I make myself useful and answer the door. Dulcie and Elva run screeching into the house and after a cursory hug for me, bolt to the kitchen to make their way through all the ladies. Millie and Markus enter and watch in some amazement as the girls get hugged and kissed to within an inch of their lives by ALL the women, and they are loving to them in return.

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