Chapter 7: Ticking Time Bombs

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A/N: Thanks for reading, friends! I appreciate you all and your support so much. Be sure and drop me a line and let me know your thoughts. Thanks to Robin for your ever-wise counsel. Love you, girlfriend. And thanks for the inspirational wine!

I am the absolute walking embodiment of sexual frustration. I am married to People Magazine's Sexiest Man for the past 5 years running, unquestionably manly and virile. Normally, his sexual appetite matches or outpaces mine, but the man has not initiated a single intimate touch since the day before I gave birth nearly six weeks ago and I'm about to crawl out of my ever loving skin.

I was so hopeful that once I ambushed him, we'd be back on the right path. Dare to dream. He no longer resists my assaults on him as strongly as he did before, but he doesn't initiate it either and he is holding back. I know my man and he is holding back in a big way, fearful of hurting me or letting himself go. It is killing me.

He must have lost the address to my downtown because he has not touched me, once, and I mean not fucking once. The most he's done is waggle his brows when he heads to the shower as a gentle invitation to join him. I never miss the opportunity. He seems to enjoy washing my hair and tenderly bathing me, but nothing of a sexual nature. He'll caress my butt and he enjoys washing my breasts when they are leaky. He'll give my nipples a sucking kiss and then guess what I've been eating, but he doesn't linger and he seems to take extreme care to try to NOT arouse me. Fat chance.

I show no such restraint. I attack him in the shower every chance I get. Again, he doesn't resist, but he doesn't surrender either. Whenever I pout or push him on the issue, I get the same answer. "Baby, your body is still healing. We'll get back to normal, but sweetheart, our 'normal' is pretty aggressive and I really don't want to risk hurting you in any way. We both just need to be patient for a little while longer."

Damn the man for being so sweet. And he is incredibly sweet and loving to me otherwise. I really can't complain, but I find myself teetering between anger and depression. My inner monologue vacillates between "WHY WON'T HE GIVE IT UP" and "What if he doesn't find me sexually attractive anymore?"

We've been in Greece almost two weeks now and it's been a bit of a mixed bag of tricks for me. On the one hand, we have a beautiful home base in Corfu and I'm thoroughly loving exploring the area, the food, and the people. Our home is right on the beach, so I've been taking full advantage of that on a regular basis. Rose and Trey look like little gingerbread people they are so tanned now and I'm looking a little golden myself since Tara has been so great to help me with Max. On the other hand, Jamie is so busy with filming that I rarely see him at all. He's usually exhausted when he gets home and me and the kids are lucky if we get an hour of awake time. He's here to work, not for a vacation and I understand that better than anyone, so we do our best to be chipper and supportive.

I smile a little to myself when I think back to our arrival. We landed in Athens after a hellacious day and night of traveling. Once we made it through customs, Jamie lugged Max's carrier and our heaviest carry-on, Tara carried Trey and I drug Rose along by the hand – complaining the whole way because she was so tired. And then we saw him. Megan didn't lie. Daniel Stavros was 6'6" of prime grade-A Greek God eye candy. If John Stamos and David Gandy were melded into one being, this is what it would look like. He spotted us coming and immediately came to me. "Can I take her for you?"

I smiled, "I wish, but sometimes she is hesitant until she gets to know you."

He nodded and then got down on one knee in front of Rose. "Do you like piggy back rides, Miss Rose?" He smiled gently at her, showing those dimples that made Tara turn to me and mouth 'OH MY GOD.' I watched in wonder as Rose let go of her death grip on my hand and climbed up on his back with a little assistance from him. She wrapped one hand around his neck, popped her thumb in her mouth and laid her head down on his shoulder in bliss. He stood, keeping one arm firmly under her backside and he reached for my bag with the other. "Allow me, Miss."

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