Chapter 14: Say What?

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A/N: Okay. Thought I was done with this one. Apparently you guys don't want this one to be done. Credit to @Isisee for the plot bunny to get me started on this and for nagging incessantly until I did it!

Nine months later....

Life is back to normal, well, as normal as it can be for us. Jamie is already hard at work on a second Bond movie and I'm doing research for my next movie. I get to play a chef, a dyslexic and bipolar chef who has a whole previous life I don't remember, but I digress. I get to cook and I've had a ton of fun taking crazy cooking classes and trying out new things on the family. Trey is not amused, but Rose is game for anything! Max, of course, is still living off of Cheerios, fruit, and chicken. She's not much of an adventurer yet.

I even dragged Jamie to one of my classes with me – a couples cooking class. Suffice it to say he drank all the wine, grabbed my ass, and made fun of the food the entire time. I laughed it off and had a great time, but the instructor was less appreciative of his jocularity. I bet if my instructor had been a woman she would have been FINE with it, but alas, I didn't bother to take him back with me and took Mama instead.

Maybe it's all this cooking, but I'm so open to new flavors now. Dijon mustard is my best friend. I swear to God, I put it in a fruit smoothie yesterday and it was delicious! I had also forgotten how much I love garlic dill pickles. I slice them up and put them on every plate. Yum! And rutabagas! Who knew? I can't get enough! Jamie finally put his hand up at that one.

"Honest to God, Dakota, if I didn't know better, I'd swear you were pregnant. Rutabagas? Really? No. No thanks. Save that for the movie."

I laugh at him. "Pregnant, good one. Hardly! Not even your super sperm can escape the snip and clip."

He waggles his eyebrows, "Unless you've been getting friendly with the mailman behind my back..." He laughs at that, as do I. I live on his dick. Our sex life is back in full force and better than ever. With three youngsters, we sometimes have to be creative, but he has shown himself to be quite resourceful. Our garage, our cars, our closet, and the laundry room have seen more than their share of action lately. Yesterday he even had me up against the side of the house in the backyard while we were debating on landscaping options.

I make a mental note to call Mama. I haven't had a period in a while, and I know I'm not pregnant. Could this be an early onset of menopause, like REALLY early? It's also time for my annual physical, so I can ask Ally about it too. I'm not complaining. Who WANTS a period for God's sake?!?


I love my life. I couldn't love it more. I have a wife that I adore, a thriving career, a wife who is also happy and thriving in her career and in life in general (I know I mentioned her, but she is worth two mentions), and five healthy and happy children. While two of those children don't live with me full time, they are still very much my children – our children – and a significant part of our blended family. I throw up thanks to God multiple times a day for this life that I am living.

Rose is her mother's daughter in every way. Sassy, gorgeous, and clever. And most importantly, hugely loving. I watch in awe as she nurtures and loves on her siblings, and her parents as well. I was shaving this morning when she toddled in and wrapped me in a hug from behind. "I LOVE you, Daddy. You know that?" I reach down and haul my princess up on the counter next to me. I dab her nose with shaving cream.

"I do, in fact, know that because you are so good to tell me every day. And do you know how much I love you?"

She giggles and kicks her feet reminding me so much of Dakota I can't help but laugh. "To the moon and back a bazillion times!"

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