Chapter 11: Me-Ow!

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A/N: Thanks for your notes and concern. Yes, Hurricane Irma is a bitch in high heeled ass kicking stilettos and we in Florida are all taking her seriously. This is why I'm posting this update before my reviewer (who is probably battening down her hatches as we speak) can weigh in. I don't expect big storm impacts until Sunday night, but we are already hit with pretty substantial storms and spotty power outages. So anticipating my power is going out momentarily, thought I'd go ahead and post! Hope you enjoy!

Greece is a distant memory at this point. After Dakota and I got our sex life back on the rails, everything else fell into place for us and life went back to normal – or as normal as it can be when you do what we do for a living. Jesse and Tara flew back to LA two days after our weekend getaway. Not sure what's going on with those two. He acts interested, but she is keeping him at arm's length. Grace stayed with us for an extra week and I think it was good for Dakota to have some sister time. Megan's kids came over to spend the last four weeks with her, so we had a few collective play dates on the beach with all six kids. Despite their awkward beginning, she and Dakota forged a comfortable friendship. Once filming wrapped, we spent an extra two weeks in the villa since we were able to get Dulcie and Elva to join us for a much needed family vacation.

Now I've traded in my James Bond wardrobe for my Dad clothes. As expected, Dakota landed the part of Cat Woman in the new Batman flick. I was secretly relieved when Henry Cavill was dropped from the short list since he had already played Superman, but got a new case of heartburn when I learned she would be screen testing with Chris Pine and my good mate Cilian Murphy in addition to Zac Effron, or as Dakota calls him, 'stud muffin.' Cilian called me to go out for a drink the night before they tested and I still chuckle when I think about that conversation.

"So man, if I get this part, I'm going to have to get up close and personal with your wife. Are you gonna be okay with that?"

"Of course. It's your job, and hers. As long as you don't get up close and personal when you come over for dinner, we're fine."

He takes a long pull from his beer and smirks at me, "I have to tell you, she has one mighty fine ass – not going to be a hard job for me."

My beer bottle hits the table with a crash as I raise my brow at him.

He nearly falls out of his chair laughing as he points at me, "THAT! That right there is the reaction I was waiting for. It was a test, man, and you failed. Epically. So you're NOT going to be okay with this."

I scrub my hands over my face and sit back to glare at him. "Honestly? Better you than somebody I don't know and trust. But can you please not talk about my wife's ass like that?"

As luck would have it, he didn't land the role, but neither did the stud muffin. Dakota has been shooting for two weeks now with Chris Pine and she has had nothing but good things to say about him. She is the consummate professional when working, so she appreciates that in others. She likes that he is always on time, always prepared, and that he treats not only her, but everyone else on the set with respect.

"He's not a diva, you know? He's just genuinely nice to everyone." She is putting on her nighttime moisturizer and I'm trying to focus on her words and not the swell of her breasts and cute little butt peeking out from under my Grenfell jersey, which has been her favorite nightshirt for a few years now.

She turns to look at me, "Do you know he asks me every day about the kids? By name? He shows genuine interest in them." She bends over to lotion her legs, "And yesterday he brought flowers to one of the junior costumers because he heard it was her birthday. Somebody who never gets noticed unless there is a rip or a tear, and he made her day so special. I thought that was really sweet."

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