Chapter 9

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You looked up to see green eyes staring at you, the owner has a small smile on his lips "Welcome back y/n"

You jolted and hold your chest, breathing heavily "D-don't scare me like that J-JD" you stuttered looking up at him.

He chuckled and ruffled your hair "You're so cute.." he mumbled while you give a small blush.

He smiled cutely "Would you like to sit down with me?" He asked, you nodded in response.

Two of you walked towards your desks and sat down, he put his elbow on the top of his desk and rest his cheek on it while looking at you "So um, How did you and Mr. Crazy got together?" He asked in a joking matter.

You looked at him and giggled a little because of the nickname he made up for your onii-chan. "Mommy adopted me, onii-chan became my big brother and Mr. Bernard became my best best friend" you answered cheerfully.

He smiled and nods "Mhm, so are you aware about your 'onii-chan's actions?" He asked.

You shook your head "What do you mean JD?" He raised his eyebrows in confusion.

"What? You didn't even noticed?" He tapped his desk, you tilted your head in confusion.

"He literally tried to kill me for the past 3 years since the accident" he said in a serious tone "Not even just me but everyone he hates, he does everything just to hurt them, I'm even surprised you're not hurt? Being in a house with Mr. Crazy must be hard huh?"

Your young innocent brain is trying to comprehend everything he said but it stopped when the door suddenly swang open, revealing the 'princess'.

Her eyes searched the room and spotted you, she have a mischievous grin on her face "Oh y/n~! There you areeee~" she sang.

JD have an annoyed and irritated look on his face "Ugh.. that bitch again.." he mumbled, picking up his bag and bringing up a book.

Samantha cat walked towards you with her dress and hair swaying from side to side.

You slowly sinking in your seat "Y-yes Samantha..?" You squeaked out.

She slammed her hands on your desk and gave a smile "It's not nice to leave me there like a little bitch, I'm being fucking nice to you ok, appreciate that I haven't trashed you yet y/n. Don't forget our deal okay?"

You nodded quickly not really understanding her curse words, she smiled victoriously and started walking in between yours and JD's desk, but suddenly she fell face first on the floor.

"WHAT THE FUCKING SHIT?!" You jolted and looked at her in horror, looking down you saw JD'S leg tripped Samantha.

Looking up at JD he just have his face infront reading his book "Did you hear something y/n? I swear I heard a pig squealing?" He asked you, obviously preferring to Samantha who is now raising from the ground with fury in her eyes.

She was about to slap JD "YOU SHIT!"  but he blocked it with a book and looked up at her "Oh come on princess, Don't take it too personal, Mom said we shouldn't hurt each other~" he teased.

Samantha had tears forming, but her face is full of anger "YOU FUCKING PIG! YOU'RE THE ONE WHO FUCKING HURT ME!!" She yelled back.

JD chuckled "No I didn't, you tripped because if your stupidity, Little sis I think your pigtails pulled your brain too much you turned stupid" he answered while you have your hands over your mouth, shocked.

Samantha was about to speak when the door was opened and the teacher with the big boobies walked inside, with Kioshi and the Rex boy.

Samantha 'Hmph'ed and walked her desk, just behind JD. You looked infront and saw JD had a bloody nose while Rex have bruises and cuts on his arms.

"Everyone sit down please, I have an announcement!" She exclaimed, when everone was taking it too long to get quiet. She stomped her foot and obviously her HUGE watermelons jiggled with one button so close to popping off the shirt.

Everyone turned quiet and the teacher smiled "Thanks to these two fighting out at the play ground and somehow had bad injuries and needed special treatment for their bruises, the class is dismissed and everyone can go home early today. But Kioshi and Rex you two follow me to the clinic" the teacher said.

Everyone started whispering "Everyone may go now, See you all tomorrow" she said and turned to face Kioshi and Rex.

You looked at Kioshi and gave a sad look at him, which he noticed and smiled at you.

You smiled back sadly and mouthed 'Are you okay?'. He smiled and nodded.

JD started talking while the others are walking out the room with their bags "I told you his dangerous" he looked at you and gave a worried look "Be careful okay y/n?"

You smiled and nodded, he smiled a little and walked infront of you and lean down and kissed your forehead "Be safe my princess..."

Sorry for the super late updates I'm kinda busy with school and having to make a movie trailer in 3-4 days. It's a disaster. But I'm happy me and my groupmates manage to finish it somehow.

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