Chapter 10

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You looked up at him with red cheeks, a small gasp escaping your little lips, which JD just responded with a chuckle and a cute smile.

He turned around, giving a small wave. Walking passed Kioshi who was glaring at JD with so much hatred, while JD just smirked.

You jumped off your table and picked up your little bag, suddenly a thought came in your mind "TEDDY!" your exclaimed, furiously looking around for your prized possession.

"Ahem, I guess this trash is yours huh?" A voice said, turning around you saw Samantha holding your Teddy bear in her hands with a disgusted look in her face.

You nodded happily and tried to reach it from her but she suddenly raised it up from you. She stared down in disgust "Ugh, how can you stand this trash? It's so plain and Ugh! Just so eww! I feel myself being disgusting and poor just by holding it. Here take this 'teddy'" She said shoving it down to you.

You automatically hugged it tight, She tsked and flipped her hair "You should try being rich like me y/n, you'll love it. Oh wait? YOU CAN'T" She insulted then matched with a laugh at the end, walking away from you holding her pink diamond covered bag.

You shook off what she said, not even caring, you're just glad that teddy is safe in your arms again. Putting him down on the desk and wearing your bag while everyone of the students walk out the classroom.

You, The teacher, Kioshi And the Rex kid was only left in the room. Big boobsie looked at your small form "Aren't you going to go home yet sweetpea?" She asked.

You looked up at her and shook your head "I don't know how to get back home Ms. (Name)" she gave you a confused look.

Then it hit her "Ohh! Silly me. I forgot you and this troublemaker  are related. I'm glad that you didn't inherited ahem excuse me" she trailed and eyes Kioshi who was glaring at her.

A knock on the door was heard and the door was opened by an old looking woman in a red fitted dress, jewelry on her fingers and neck with a pure red lipstick on her lips plus a ton full of makeup.

You couldn't help but wonder by women us such accessories just to get noticed. The woman walked inside the room holding her phone near her ear "I don't care how much that cause, make it work. Or else..Got to go the kid got to a fight again, ugh. He got this side from your side of the family" She talked seriously on the phone and she gave you a glance and scoffed.

She put her phone away and raised her brow on the teacher "What did he do this time?" She asked in an irritated tone.

The teacher inhaled and pressed her fingers together "You see Mrs. Smith, your son have been in another fight again with Kioshi. They already gone to the guidance office three times this week and I kept informing you that this behavior can't be tolerated in this school" she explained.

Mrs. Smith just nodded "I know I know, Thank you for the information. I'll do my best to teach him a lesson. Now come on Rex, your father is waiting for you" she said and started walking out of the room with Rex following behind her.

Ms. (Name) just smiled "Good talk." Then came another knock on the door, at the door frame a familiar face caught your attention. It was Bernard.

He gave a warm smile at you and a worried look at Kioshi. He walked inside the classroom with his right hand on his chest and his left arm behind his back.

Giving the most warm and apologetic face you have ever seen "My apologies for Kioshi's behavior Ms.(Name) I will report right away to his parents what have happened and I'm sure he have learned his lessons. I'm sorry for the bother"

Ms.(Name)'s cheeks tinted pink from his gentlemanliness and giggled "It's no bother at all Ren. I'm just doing my duty as a teacher of these precious children" She answered and you caught that she called him Ren rather than Bernard.

Bernard nodded and bowed a little, taking the teacher's hand and lightly kissed the top of it. "A pleasure to meet you again Ms. (Name)" he said politely and stood up straight and gestures for you and Kioshi to follow.

Soon after you three started walking out the classroom. Bernard quickly started the conversation "Lord Kioshi, what happened this time? You do know your mother doesn't approve of this behavior" he calmly said to Kioshi, who was cleaning his bloody nose.

Kioshi's expression turned from dull to irritated real quick. "The Kid almost hurt my little sister. I was just protecting her from him" He answered, falsely.

Bernard raised his eyebrow in confusion but simply let him be "I see, I will report this to Mrs. soon after we get back home" he turned to face you and smiled "How was your day m'lady?" He asked.

You looked up at him not sure what to say "I.. U-um It was a little fun" you replied innocently. He nods "I see, Have you met any new friends?" He continued to ask.

You suddenly felt your cheeks a little heated from the memory of JD kissing your forehead. Kioshi seems to noticed and growled a little.

"I-I did Mr. Bernard! T-they're nice" You replied and Bernard smiled "That's good too hear". Couple of moments a black car was driving towards you three.

Bernard opened the door on the side of the driver's seat where Kioshi sat down on. While walking back he opened the door for you on the middle seats. He picked you up and set you down and clicking in the seatbelts, sitting down beside you.

The car started running and you all are on the way home. You looked up at him, while he was looking at his watch, he seems to notice you staring at him and he gave you at warm smile. Feeling tired from a long day at school, meeting new people and experiencing weird things and all. Your eyes started to close, leaning on Bernard's arm, your eyes slowly shutting as you drift off to sleep.

Finally done with this chapter. Wooh! Sorry for the late updates. I'm really busy with some private problems here at home. But I do hope you guys keep reading and supporting my stories. I appreciate it so so much!! :)

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