Chapter 23

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"Ren..." A feminine voice called.

Ren looked around the dark room, trying to find where the voice came from.

"Ren.. Please don't leave me.." The owner of the voice pleaded.

Ren frantically ran towards where the voice came from and only found himself lost.

"You said you wouldn't leave me alone..? What happened.. You left me for dead.. You promised you'll protect me..."

Ren's tears started streaming down his cheeks, frantically looking around to find a certain someone.

"I'm sorry... Please forgive me...!" Ren cried out and fell on the ground as everything turns black.
It's currently 3 am in the morning, Ren jolted up in a cold sweat. He rubbed his temples as he tried to calm himself down.

He looked down and saw you deep in sleep, he sighed and stroke your hair.

He stopped and holds his head "Damn these feelings.." He mumbled, slowly standing up from the bed, noticing ice waking up, Ren rubbed Ice's head sending him back to sleep.

Ren walked towards the bathroom and looked at the mirror, seeing his face and wiping some tears away.

"Ren snap out of it dang it!" He whisper yelled to himself and hit the glass mirror, his angered expression soon cooled down and he sighed in defeat.

"I need a glass of water.." He mumbled and walked out of the bathroom, smiling slightly when he saw you still sleeping, softly ruffling Ice's fur "I'll be right back buddy, Guard y/n for me" Ice just wiggled his tail, eyes still closed.

Ren chuckled proceeding to walk towards the door and exiting the room.

Ren looked on towards his right, seeing a dark part of the hallways "Lord Kioshi, it's 3 am. Shouldn't you be asleep right now?" He asked, Kioshi got out of the shadows with a smirk on his lips.

"Well well, didn't expect you to see me there, good job Ren.." Kioshi said and slow clapped, Ren just looked at him unfazed by his dark demeanor.

"I should be the one asking you Ren. Why aren't you asleep yet? Your job doesn't start atleast 4 in the morning. Having bad dreams again hm?" Kioshi mocked while Ren just looked at him, like a good butler he is.

"My job is continuously as the day start over. It doesn't stop unless it is needed Lord Kioshi. And my dream doesn't concern you, if I may be excused I have to go to the kitchen" Ren answered back.

Kioshi just smiled "Of course.." He answered, walking pass him and tried to open the door. Just when he touched the door knob, ren grabbed his wrist.

Kioshi glared at Ren as he did so. Ren soon let go then straighten his posture "I don't think Lady Y/n would want to be disturbed right now.." Ren said in a low voice.

Kioshi smirked "Oh? Is that so? I wonder, you're getting too close with my little sister.. Do I have to remind you of your place in this household?"

Ren just smiled "Of course not, I know what my place is very well. Lady y/n and I are simply Mistress and Butler, nothing more, nothing less Lord Kioshi" he answered confidently.

Kioshi grinned "Good, I will be on my way. You seem to forget someone to take care of" kioshi said as he walk pass Ren.

Ren eyed Kioshi as he walk pass him, seeing a knife tucked behind his back.

Ren watched him walk down the hallways until he was no longer visible. Deciding not to leave you alone, Ren just stayed in your room. Sitting on one of the chairs with a book in hand, not even planning to sleep anymore.

Hours passed, Ren already changed into his butler uniform and started cleaning your bookshelves. While Ice woken up and left to play outside in the garden but not before nuzzling his head on your hand.

It's about 7 am in the morning, you started moving around and starting to wake up.

Minutes later you sat up on the bed, rubbing your eye in the process. Ren walked towards you, holding a tray of pancakes, bacon and your favorite juice.

"Good morning sunshine!" Ren greeted with a warm smile on his face. You looked up at him, half asleep.

Your eyes suddenly widen with cheeks glowing red, pulling the blankets over your chest. "R-ren!! I um! Good morning!" You blurred out.

He chuckled and placed the tray on the desk "Unfortunately, I was not able to be the one to prepare your breakfast, it might not taste like the usual I brought to you everyday y/n" he said with a smile, trying to restrain himself from hugging you and your adorableness.

You smiled back "U-uh. It's OK I don't mind, as long as your here I'm happy" you answered, making him blush a little, flattered that you enjoy his presence more than usual.

Ren nod and placed the tray on for you to start your breakfast, you blush every time you look up at Ren. What happened keeps flashing back in your mind when you see his handsome face.

You cleared your throat, catching his attention "A-about last night.." You started, Ren waiting attentively.

You rubbed your arm "I um.. Didn't mean to you know.." You continued, he chuckled and patted your head "To fall asleep immediately? It's not a problem y/n, I know you were tired yesterday" he answered.

You paused "What..?" He smiled playfully "You fell asleep as soon as Kioshi left the room y/n, you're pretty adorable mumbling stuffs while you're asleep. Don't you remember?" He answered, looking at you a little concern.

You blushed and rubbed your head "Ah, I might have just dreamt about it hehe" you laughed it off, still debating whether it really happened or if it's really just a dream.

Ren chuckled "You're still very imaginative y/n haha.. You never change" he ruffled your hair "It must be a cool dream if it had me in it" he joked, smiling adorably.

You blushed then giggled and pushing him playfully "Oh shut up you dork!" He laughed and raised his hands in the air, in a surrended pose "What? Aren't I, your one hell of a butler and your best friend cool?" He chuckled, doing the Johnny Bravo pose.

You burst out laughing as he laughed along with you "Oh and who you calling a dork? you dork" he said after poking your side.

You squeaked "You! You're the dork!" You answered, holding the fork who has a freshly stabbed pancake.

"A dork huh?" Just before you can eat your pancake, he leaned forward and bit off the pancake off your fork.

You huffed "Hey! That was mine!" He smirked, munching on the delicious pancake "Then don't call me a dork if you don't want your food to get eaten" he replied, happy he got the first bite.

You giggled "Fine fineee, I wouldn't call you that! Just don't eat my food" he nod "Deal" he laughed.

You smiled and took a bit then looked at him "You're one hell of a butler you know that" you said as he chuckle in response.

"I know princess"

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