Chapter 14

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After all that mysterious door event. Bernard escorted you to your room so he'll know you wouldn't have any more temptations on opening that door.

Once you got inside you sat down on your bed and sighed "What a morning" you mumbled and turn to your side and saw a medium sized box wrapped in white and blue ribbon.

You sat up and took the gift slowly opening it. You looked inside it and gasped. It's an animal! A small little husky. It's color gray and black and it's the most adorable thing you have ever seen.

It's tail swayed left and right in excitement, it barked and licked your hand. "Aawww! You're so precious!" You awed and picked up the little guy.

You looked at it's collar and it has a name tag on it written on it was "Ice". You looked at the dog and giggled " Ice it is, you're so cute! I love you so much!" You awed and cuddled the dog, to which the dog snuggled his head on your cheeks.

All day you and the dog bonded. Running down the hallways and out the garden. The dog absolutely love you and you love him as well. His a good boy almost instantly knows tricks and always follows what you say.You've always wanted a puppy and this made your life 10× more fun and happier.

It was about 4 in the afternoon, Ice was running around the hallways making you chuckle from his cuteness. He stopped in front of 'that' door again. You looked through the window and saw Bernard tending the garden, while you know for a fact that your mom left for work. You bit your bottom lip and walked back to the door to which ice was barking at. You grabbed the knob and slowly turned it.

The door creaked open, looking back at Ice you told him to stay put and bark if someone is going to come. Ice simply sat down and looked out like a good boy.

You smiled but it soon disappeared when you slowly opened the door. It was all pitch black. You got inside and left the door only slightly open as you looked for a switch on the wall to open up the light if it ever has one. You manage to feel something and quickly flipping the switch. You gasped at the sudden light, you opened your eyes and saw...

Nothing but antiques covered with white cloth, cabinets, boxes and papers. Dusts and cobwebs all around.

You started looking around in disbelief "N-no.. This can't only be it" you whispered and opened the boxes with pictures and paperworks.

You didn't see anything suspicious only receipts, bilss and stuffs. You sat down on your knees and rubbed your head "Ugh.. Getting stressed over nothing, I guess they really said the truth" you mumbled to yourself.

You sighed and stood up ready to leave but you heard a faint 'Someone there...' You turn around so quick, all of your hair stood up from being spooked.

You were hesitant to speak but manage to say something "H-Hello? Is anybody here?" You asked. No one answered. You tried again "Hello?" You said louder. No reply. It might been just your imagination. You decided to look around a bit more. You walked further in the room and saw a stocked boxed with warnings on it. With a red crayon?

You looked back at the door, figuring you still have time to snoop around because Ice has been awfully quiet. You picked up one of the boxes on the top and set it down. You looked at top, on the tape says 'Photos'. Scratching off the tape and quickly opening it. The first thing you saw was a picture of kioshi, in a white and red stripped shirt under a jean jumper shorts and a matching white and red snickers.

He was just so small and adorable, he looks around 7 or 8 so. He looks so happy, cheerful and full of life. You smiled and looked at the next pictures. There was a man with mom, they look a little younger. He has black raven hair and deep brown eyes, he is wearing a white polo shirt and blank pants. He has a smile on his face while he has his arms around mom.

You turn the photo and saw a writing in the back. It was written with some kind of red ink 'My beloved husband, you're forever will be my love'. You turn it back around and traced your finger on the man's face "Dad.. Where did you go..? Why didn't you go back home... Why did you left mom" you said, sad that you haven't met him when you were first adopted here.

Remembering you just turned 8 you asked your mom where daddy was. She gave you a sad look and she stroked your hair off your face "Daddy left mommy sweetie.. I'm afraid he wouldn't come back ever again.." She said sadly and this somehow triggered you, of course remembering your real family. You cried all night under you fell asleep in your mom's arms.

You sighed and looked at the next picture, It was a little girl, he wrote a yellow dress up to her knee. She wore a pink headband just above her short black hair. She looked like she's about 6 or 7-ish. She also wore a pink shoe on and white socks. She was looking directly at the camera with a smile while holding a toy panda bear.

You turn the photo and saw a writing with somewhat a crayon 'My little sister'. Confused you didn't know kioshi had a sister. Let alone a younger one which they never told you about. This made you confused, angry that they didn't tell you and scared of what this family secrets hold.

A creak was heard behind you "Y/n..."

And that's all for this chapter hahaha! A little cliffhanger. So tell me what cha guys think? Have any theory about who is that girl? And where the 'father' is? Feel free to leave some theory comments and I'll mention the winner who will get the theory right. Just a little fun game :D

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