Chapter 15

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You quickly turned around and hide the pictures behind you. Looking directly at the person who spoke. It was Kioshi.

"I-I...I didn't" you stuttered out, slowly backing away. He looked so calm and emotionless. He looked down at the box and looked back at you "You know now don't you y/n?" He asked calmly walking towards you.

This made you nervous, it made you feel scared and worried. You backed up until your back hit the boxes. "W-why didn't you told me..?" You said looking down.

He stopped "Told you what?" He asked and you looked up with teary eyes. "What happened to dad and your real sister? Why didn't you told me?! It's been years.." You said sadly.

Kioshi's expression changed to worried mixed with relief. "It's not like that princess, come here" he said walking towards you and wrapped you in his arms.

"Do I not matter in this family.." You mumbled hiding your face on his shoulder. He shh'ed and hugged you tighter "No,no,no. Of course not. You're existence matter you're special. You're our princess. You're my life" he replied and kissed your head. "Don't think anything else but that ok?" You nodded and hugged him tight.

He smiled and ruffled your hair "Come on it's your birthday, why be sad?" He said and carried you princess style. "Come on Princess we're going to have a little date" he said happily.

You blushed a little, almost forgetting what you discovered earlier. He walked towards the door and to your surprise Bernard or what you like to call him Ren. He had a worried and disappointed look on his face. He stood straight and waited for Kioshi's orders.

Kioshi put you down and ruffled your hair. "Go to your room and get wear a nice dress, okie?" He said and you nodded, walking away from the two.

Sighing, you looked down and clenched tight on the pictures you manage to get. "I have to know the truth..."

Kioshi's P.O.V

I sighed in relief and looked at that disappointing shit she calls Ren. "Bernard what did I told you" I said in anger.

He looks at me with no fear "To not allow lady y/n to enter the forbidden room in any means" he replied, looking at me blankly, though he stood his posture straight.

I gave him a glare "And what happen. Ugh, I don't have the time to talk to you. Just get your job done and give that shit the food" I said and turn around, starting to walk towards my lovely sister's room.

Before I could get any further away from that sorry excuse of a butler, I turn and face him "Don't ever let this happen again. Or the same thing will happen to you" I threatened before walking away.

Y/n's P.O.V

I sat down on the bed looking at the pictures "What the heck is he hiding.." Mumbling to yourself you heard a knock on your door.

You quickly opened your drawers and hide the pictures underneath your clothes and quickly closed it "Y-yes?" You replied, walking towards the door.

"It's Kioshi, Is it Ok for me to come in?" He asked politely from the other side of the door.

You opened the door "Yeah it's Ok Kioshi" You replied smiling at him as you saw his worried face when you opened the door.

He sighed in relief "That's good to hear my princess is alright" he said and kissed your forehead. You giggled and hugged him "Thank you for the gift by the way Kioshi" you said remembering the cake, trying to not think about the picture too much or he might get suspicious about it.

He hugged you back tight "You're welcome, everything for my princess" he said and pressed his face in your smooth (h/c) hair.

You let go and gasped remembering something "Oh! Wait did you saw Ice??" You asked, looking around. He raised a brow "Ice?" Confused he followed behind you.

You looked under the bed "His a little husky mom gave me today, his the most adorable thing you'll ever see in your life!" You said happily then stood up.

Your expression turned to a worried one "I just don't know where he is, maybe his out at the garden" you said and looked at kioshi "Come on let's go find him" you said with a smile.

Before you can walk kioshi grabbed your wrists, you quickly looked back at him confused. He looked at you blankly and pulled you, pushing you down to the bed.

You looked up at him in confusion and somewhat fear "Kioshi what are you doing?" He didn't answer, he just looked at you and holds you down on the bed.

"You're not going anywhere.."

Another chapter finished! Some more clues to hold on to your theories on the Kioshi's past. The family secret and all. Feel free to leave a comment if you guys have a theory about those pictures?

Oh and also what do you guys what or what you guys idealize kioshi and y/n's relationship with each other? Comment right away so I can make the next chapter based on your choosing ^^ (well on which on have the most vote)

A.) Kioshi is sweet and loving to y/n and haven't shown his somehow dominant possessive personality.

B.) Kioshi and Y/n, maybe will like each other and have y/n having to like kioshi (Remember they are not blood related y/n is adopted)

C.) Y/n doesn't feel comfortable with kioshi's touchy and possessive side. Basically him in general.

D.) (Give one if you'd like XD)

See you guys in the next chapter! Please comment right away /(OvO)/

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