9~Old problems.

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Marie-Anne's POV

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Tyler asks opening the door. Ignoring his stupid question, I push him out of my way and walk in then giving him a hug. He pulls away immediately, "where are you coming from?" He asks.

"Work, I had to work late," I tell him pointing my fingers on my clothes, which was a black pencil dress with a brown jacket. He looks down at my clothes nodding his head.

"How did you get here?" He asks.

"I drove," I tell him still not getting where this is going. Why does he care about how I got here? Brown is crazy sometimes. He rubs his hands over his tired face letting out a sigh. "What is it?" I ask.

"Anne..." he looks at me and frown.

"Ty..." I say mocking his face same expression.  He rolls his eyes at me grabbing my hands to walk me to the kitchen.

"You were drinking," he says making me sit on one of the stools, "you're going to get fired," he adds leaning on the island in front of me.

"But, I wasn't drinking," I plead, "a glass of wine is not drinking," I say remembering that glass I drunk before coming here.

"Wait...you have wine in your office?" He asks.

"Yeah," I say awkwardly.

"Who the heck brings wine to work?" He asks scratching the back of his head. A lot of people bring wine to work, you can give it to people when you have an unnecessary meeting, and trust me as a lawyer, you have a bunch of those.

"Me," I say pointing my index fingers towards my face. "Brown, I didn't come here for you to judge me!" I yell when I realize what he was doing. He bites the bottom of his lips while closing his dark brown eyes. Looks like he is thinking of something, he opens them not saying another word.

"Okay," he finally says getting up from leaning on the island. He walks to his fridge getting a bottle of water, he gulps it down his throat nearly drinking all of it. I sit there awkwardly watching what he is doing, "you want something to drink?" He asks putting the bottle down.

"No, thank you," I say. What I want right now is something to make me forget how bad my day was and to make me forget the pain, but he won't give it to me. "So, I finally might get that promotion I always wanted," I tell him trying to lighten up the mood. For as long as I can remember I been trying to be a senior associate at my firm and I might finally get the chance. Okay, maybe it wasn't that long, I been trying to become a senior associate for the past six months.

If I become a senior, then I can become a partner, wow the opportunities, "that's good," Tyler says disturbing me from my thoughts.

"I'm sorry," I say apologizing. I can tell he was mad at me for something, I should not have yelled at him.

He ignores me taking a sip of his water. I get up from my stool and walk up to him, "I'm sorry," I say again staring into his dark eyes. He still doesn't answer so I give him a hug. He'll forgive me eventually. He eventually loosens up to my touch and hugs me back.

I pull away putting my hands behind his neck while staring into his eyes. He put his hands on my hips while keeping a minimum distance. After some time, I close the space that is between us kissing him passionately. He moves his hands up and down my thighs not breaking the kiss.

We both pull away catching our breaths, then he starts placing kisses over my neck. I pull my head up giving him full access, he yanks my body towards him lifting me up. I toss my pumps off my feet crossing my legs on his hips.

I wonder if I'm heavy, I actually always wondered that. My thoughts are cut short once he starts walking to his bedroom. I hold onto him harder making sure I don't fall. The scent of the familiar room hits me as he opens his bedroom door with his available hand. I look around the clean room, sometimes I think he doesn't even sleep here, it is always clean. Actually, now that I think about it, his whole apartment is always clean. He drops me on his bed gently, "why is your apartment so clean?" I ask out of nowhere.

He looks at me and chuckles pulling his head back, "I'm germaphobic," he says, "I thought you knew," he adds.

"I didn't, sorry," I say apologizing. Then I notice why he chuckled, we are in bed together and I am asking stupid questions. I'm so stupid.

I shake my head at my stupidity and get back to kissing him.


I stare at the dark room unable to sleep, I forgot my pills at home. It's probably already around midnight, I been staring into the dark for a while now. I grab my phone that was in my jacket's pocket opening my recording app. I put the phone near Tyler's head so it records his light snores. He is always saying that he doesn't snore, this will confirm that I am right.

After recording his snores for a good minute, I put my phone on his bedside table. I close my eyes seeing if my thoughts will let me have some sleep, but they don't. Goodbye, that word keeps replaying in my mind over and over again, it has been for the past eight years now.

I slowly remove Tyler's hands from around me getting out of the bed. I grab my phone turning on my flashlight, I tippy toe to Tyler's closet grabbing a shirt to put on. I leave the room quietly making sure not to wake him up, I walk to his kitchen grabbing a glass.

I go the cabinet where he keeps his drinks and grab a scotch whiskey. I pour myself a full glass then put it back in its rightful place.

I gulp down the drink feeling the burn as it descends. That's all I needed, I'll feel better real soon.


What country do you guys dream of visiting?

Mine is England.

Thanks for reading...

Au revoir...

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