19~ Good terms with the old.

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Marie-Anne's POV

"So, we're good," I ask Dylan.

"Are we?" He asks me back.

"Yeah," I say.

"Look, I would love to stay in chat, but I have to get back to work, can we talk about this later?" He asks.

"Yeah," I say lazily.

"I'll pick you up after work," he says leaving my office. I nod my head even though I knew he couldn't see me. I smile internally knowing that we are finally in good terms again. This is a good thing. I look at my desk to see the pile of work I have to do and get back to work.


"Uh," I say when someone knocks on my office door. Who is it now? The time reads three pm, so I guess it's more work. "Come in!" I yell to the door. Tyler walks in taking a seat across from me, "what are you doing here?" I ask him.

"I can't come to your office no more?" He asks.

"Yeah, but aren't you supposed to be at work or doing something?" I ask him. He scratches the back of his head giving me a smile. I look at him waiting to say why he is here, but he doesn't say anything. "What did you do?" I ask him.

"Well..." he starts.

"Well?" I ask him so he can continue.

"I quit my job," he says raising his shoulder like it is nothing. He what? Who goes and quits their job for no good reason. He likes working with the D.A's office, at least that's what he told me. I close my eyes trying to process everything, I shouldn't care if he quits his job, it's none of my business.

"That's good," I say faking a smile, "you're jobless but good," I add.

"Yes, it is!" He yells. "Did I tell you how it feels to have no care in the world?"

"No, but I guess it feels good. Are you going through a mid-life crisis?" I ask him. Before my father passed away, he quit his job once, he said that he suddenly felt unhappy with his life. Then, he remembered that he had a wife and seven kids to care for, so he had to go back and beg his boss for his job back. I think before someone quits their job, they should sit and think about everything.

"No, why would I go through a mid-life crisis when I'm not in midlife?" He asks me.

"I don't know, boys do stupid stuff. Like they don't think before doing something," I tell him.

"I did think this through," he says.

"But, you love working at the D.A's office," I tell him.

"I do, but I would have to leave eventually. All I ever wanted was to enjoy life without having my father constantly breathing down my neck; the other day I realized that I wasn't. I spend all my time working and working, don't get me wrong, I love working, but I barely have any free time." I guess that kind of makes sense, but what does he mean by I would have to leave eventually?

"Why would you have to leave?" I ask him.

"Because of my..." He stops and stares at me, "no reason," he adds.

"Okay?" I say shaking my head.

"Do you know what this means?" He asks in excitement.

"That you won't be able to pay your bills?" I ask him.

"Anne, there's more to life than paying bills," he says. No, there isn't. Life is all about, working, paying bills, more working, more bills. "We," he says pointing his index towards him than me, "can date without being afraid of compromising our jobs plus I can help you with the Young case openly." I guess that's a benefit,  but wait, date?

"D-date?" I ask him.

"Yep," he says standing up.

"Tyler, I-I," I try to begin. How do you tell someone you really care about that you won't date them? This is an awkward moment, I never thought I would be in this position. Dylan and I just got on good terms again, he's the only person I want to date.

"No excuses," he says. "I have to go pack my stuff in my office, apparently if you storm into your boss's office and yell I quit, you have to get out of the building immediately." He says shaking his head. "Bye," he says coming behind my desk and kissing my forehead. I close my eyes and breath out loudly. "You okay?" He asks.

"I just been feeling a little nauseous," I tell him honestly. That was not a lie, for some odd reason I feel like I want to throw up.

"You should make yourself some herbal tea," he says starting to walk away.

"For feeling nauseous?" I ask him.

"Yes!" He yells as he closes the door and leaves. My phone vibrates indicating a message, I pick it up and see that it is a text from Dylan. Aww, he unblocked me.

Dyl: Be ready by 7, I'll pick you up at your place.

Me: K


This was more of a filler chapter, so it's a little crappy, sorry. Not a little, a lot...

Au revoir...

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