20~Skinny dipping with the old.

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Dylan's POV

Me: I'm outside.

I text Marie-Anne waiting for her to come out. I feel so tired that I do not want to step out and go get her, that's probably not very gentleman, but I don't care right now.

P. Marie-Anne: Be out in a sec...

She texts back. I put the car in park and put my chair back to relax knowing that a second means minutes to her. I close my eyes trying to enjoy some quiet and free time, I feel so tired and my brother won't stop fucking calling me. It's like he can't get the hint that I don't want to talk to him. A knock on the car window pulls me from my train of thoughts. I unlock the door and Marie-Anne slides in. "Sorry to keep you waiting?" She says as she puts on her seatbelt. She is wearing a pair of black ripped high waist jeans and a sweater crop top.

"It's fine," I tell her, "how was your day?" I ask her as I adjust my seat and unpark the car.

"It was productive, you know the usual," she says raising her shoulder.

"No, I don't," I say. She looks at me rolling her eyes at me. It's like when someone says the usual, what's the usual? It's not like I use to spend the whole day with you and know what you go through, "you want something to eat?" I ask her. I already ate, but if she wants food that's fine with me.

"Yes, I'm starving," she says honestly.

"Of course you are," I murmur under my breath. She always did like food, "what do you feel like eating?" I ask her.

"Pancakes," she says.

"For dinner?" I ask her.

"Yes," she says.

"Okay, um... there's got to be an IHOP around here," I say pulling up my phone's GPS. An IHOP pops up about two miles away and I start driving towards it. We reach the IHOP after a few minutes, "why don't they have a drive-thru?" I ask Marie-Anne as I open her door for her.

"That's the point, Dylan, they don't want people to be in a rush," she tells me as she comes out.

"Still don't get it, it's not like you want to eat in there," I tell her. Somethings are really stupid and unnecessary, drive thru is what makes America great. Especially because Americans are always in a rush.

"Maybe you should start a petition about it," she says sarcastically.

"Maybe I will," I tell her as we walk into the restaurant. The restaurant is full, it's funny how people love eating breakfast at night.

"We can just get it to go," Marie-Anne says as we both look around.

"K, pancakes and eggs?" I ask her.

"Yep," she says.

"I'll go order it to go," I tell her.


"This place is beautiful," Marie-Anne says as we reach the lake. She stuffs her mouth with more pancakes. I chuckle watching her eat, she looks so cute while she eats.

"Yes, it is. Do you want to go swim?" I ask. She gulps down her food and looks at me in surprise.

"Like skinny dipping?" She asks.

"Yeah," I tell her.

"That's in my bucket list, but no," she says shaking her head.

"Why? You're scared?" I teased her. I know if I tell her she is a coward, she'll do anything she can to prove me wrong.

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