23~The Old's truth

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Marie-Anne's POV

The door opens and Dylan pulls away. I turn around to see Tyler standing at the door staring at me. His face is unreadable, he gulps down and goes backs inside closing the door. I turn to Dylan and he is smiling, "bye," I tell him becoming angry. I don't know why he thinks this is funny.

"Bye," he says waving his hand. I watch him as he walks away, he is long gone and the hallways are just workers walking around talking. I look at the closed door, sighing I open it. Tyler is standing by the window looking down. He seems deep in thought not even turning around.

"Ty," I whisper loud for him to hear. He turns around looking slowly looking at me.

"Sorry, um... let's get to work," he says walking to my desk.

"Can we talk?" I ask him. I know I shouldn't mind, but I owe him an explanation.

"Does it have something to do with this?" He asks opening up the paper work.

"No," I say walking up to him.

"Then no," he says. "Look, you have to be in court in a few hours, let's just get this over with. "

"You can't seriously be mad at me?" I ask him. He has no right whatsoever to be mad at me, it's not like we are dating and I cheated on him. We were never really in a relationship.

"I'm not," he says. I don't know if he is being honest or not. He scratches his throat whenever he tells a lie and he didn't do that. His tone didn't go up nor did he flinch. "I'm honestly not, I just um... it's nothing. Let's just get to work," he says taking a seat.

"Just what?" I ask him leaning on my desk in front of him.

"Nothing," he says shaking his head. "You didn't do anything wrong, I have no right to be mad at you," he adds. "I just don't understand why you'd lie to me."

"Lie?" I ask him. I don't remember lying to him about anything.

"Why didn't you just tell me that you didn't want to go out with me?"

"I don't know, I just didn't know how to tell you," I tell him honestly. I didn't want that to break our relationship. I didn't want him to stop talking to me, I care about him too much.

"Well, you should have. I hate liars," he says.

"Really?" I ask him. "Our whole relationship is base on lies, why do you care if I lie to you?" I ask him getting angry. He can't be judging me for lying to him when he lies to me every day. I might not know what he lying about, but I know when someone is lying to me. "You can't expect people not to lie to you when you lie to them every single day."

"I do not lie to you."

"Oh, you want to go there. Swear to me that you've been nothing but honest to me since we met." He gets up from his chair not saying a word, he licks his lip rubbing his forehead with his hand, "come on swear to me," I tell him.

"I can't do that," he says.

"And why can't you? It's because you lie to me every single day, so don't try to act like Mr. righteous," I tell him anger evident in my voice. I absolutely hate when people pretend that they are righteous, that they are perfect.

"Anne, I don't want to lie to you, but there are some things I can't tell you," he says touching my hand. He pulls them towards intertwining his fingers with mine. "I'm sorry that I lie to you, it really isn't my intention."

"It's fine, I don't expect you to be honest with me, just don't get mad when I'm not," I tell him. He nods his head pulling his hand away quickly.

"Anne, I don't know if you're just being ignorant or if you already know, but um... I think you should um..." he stops talking and walks back to the window.

"Should what?" I ask him. I walk by the window so I can face him. He looks me in the eye, his eyes saying a million things.

"Can I ask you something?" He asks me not breaking eye contact. I shake my head and wait for what he has to asks that make him feel so nervous. "Can you promise to tell me the truth?"

"Pinky promise," I say raising my picky. He chuckles taking my pinky and crossing it with mine.

"Are you um... pregnant?" He asks. I gulp down unsure of what to say. I didn't know he was going to ask me that. I tried to forget about that since the test tested positive this morning.

"No," I lie, "why would you think so?" I ask him.

"It's just um..." he takes a deep breath turning around, "you're lying," he says. "So you know?" He asks.

"Yeah," I lean on the wall dropping my body on the floor. Tyler does the same sitting next to me. I thought if I never said it out loud or think about it, it wouldn't be true. Maybe if I got an abortion before anyone else found out, it wouldn't be true.

"Is it mine?" He asks.

"I don't want to talk about that," I tell him. I don't want to talk about who is the father or who isn't the father. I just want to forget that I'm carrying a fetus.

"Well, you're going to have to," he says looking at me.

"It doesn't even matter, I'm getting an abortion," I tell him getting up from the floor, "let's get to work."

"You're what?" He asks getting up also. "You can't get an abortion," he says.

"Just because you are against abortion doesn't mean I am," I tell him honestly.

"No, it doesn't. But, you know what you're doing right now?"


"You are being selfish and a monster. You're killing a life and for what? If you don't want the kid there are other options, there's adoption," he says. "And I don't even know why you wouldn't want the kid," he says.

"Well, it's not your decision to make," I tell him. It's my decision to make whether I end my pregnancy or not.

"Is it mine or not?" He asks again.

"No," I tell him.

"Okay, but a father deserves to know that he has a kid," he says. "I can't keep you from getting an abortion, but I don't think you should get it without telling the father," he adds.

"Tyler, I can't," I say tears threatening to fall. "I can't have a kid, I don't want to," tears falling down my cheeks.

"It's fine, don't cry," he says giving me hug. "It'll be fine," he says rubbing his hands on my hair.


There you go, she's pregnant and the kid's not Tyler's so I guess it's Dylan's.

If anyone lives in Texas, be safe and stay safe...

Au revoir...

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