21~The old fantasy

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Marie-Anne's POV

"I think I'm pregnant," I tell her. Esther looks at me in shock and unbelief, even I'm surprised to hear me say these words. These are words that I never thought I'd use in a sentence together. I'm right most of the time, but I'm hoping this time I am wrong.

"You think you're pregnant?" She asks trying to make sure she heard me right.

"Yeah," I say putting my head down and looking at the water running in the sink. "I mean what else could it be?" I ask her. I've done the checklist and that is the only liable cause of the nauseousness.

"Marie, you can't just think you're pregnant," she says putting up air quotations around the word think, "it's a process." She adds. Yeah, I guess she is right, I'm probably just exaggerating. There can be a million of other reasons why I don't feel well, it can be cancer or any other disease. Nausea is usually one of the symptoms of many diseases and conditions. "Like you have to question yourself, are you late, did you have sex without protection lately, did you even take a test?" She asks crossing her hands over her small chest.

"No," I say barely in a whisper. "I just have this feeling and you know my gut be right."

"Okay, um... let's just take two test to make sure and that feeling can go away." She says, "so after you take the test and it's negative, you'll stop your worrying?" I nod my head, all I need is something to make me feel better, a test will work. "Do you have any tests here?" She asks opening my bathroom cabinet.

"Nope," I say shaking my head. Getting pregnant was never part of my agenda, so of course, I don't have any pregnancy tests, I've never had a pregnancy scare before either.

"Okay, let me just go buy you some at the store," she says, "you might want to take the day off, so you can relax." She adds opening the door.

"I can't," I say, "I have to be in court in a few hours." She gives me a sympathetic look leaving to head to the store. It's my first day in court for the Young case and I'm not backing down. Tyler and I have worked so hard on it. I put the toilet cover down sitting on it to wait for Esther. Let's pray to God that these tests are negative. I don't know what I would do if I were to be pregnant.

I don't hate kids or anything, but I do not want a kid right now. I don't think I even want any kids, I use to want one them back in the days. Back when you are a little girl you think anything is possible, you think you'll get married to prince charming and have cute babies together, but by the time you reach a mature age you learn that's all a fantasy.  You learn that there is no such thing as a happily ever after, there is no such thing as a prince charming, it's you against this cruel world.

A knock on the front door can be heard from my room disturbing me from my thoughts. Who can it be at this hour? Lazily, I get up from my oddly comfortable seat and walk to the door. I open it partly because I am still in my shorts and tank top I went to sleep in and not to include that my hair is wrapped in a scarf. I peek outside to see Tyler standing there holding a cup in his hand. "Ty?" I say in surprise, "Are we meeting right now?" I ask him.

"No, and sorry to disturb you from your beauty sleep," he says, "but I came to give you this," he hands me the cup that was in his hand. I take it looking at it weirdly.

"What's this?" I ask him.

"It's a herbal tea, it'll help with your nausea," he says with a smile. That's so sweet of him to come to my place this early to bring me tea.

"That's very nice of you, thank you," he nods his head staring at me. "What's in it?" I ask him opening the lid.

"It's this herb from England, I honestly do not know the name," he says shaking his head.

"K, I'm gonna trust that it works," I tell him, "You want to come in?" I ask opening the door wider. I just realized that I left him standing at the door, that's very rude of me. I can hear my mom saying where are your manners, didn't I teach you better?

"No, I'll meet you at your office later, bye." He waves his hand at me as he walks away getting into his car. I stand there watching him drive away, I then walk back inside putting down the cup on the table, I go to my bathroom to brush my teeth.

After I've brushed my teeth, I walk back into the kitchen taking a sip of the tea. My taste buds rise and I jump after tasting the first sip, it's actually really bitter. It reminds me of these Haitian remedies my mom use to make me when I was smaller. Asosi... I remember that one very well, it was the one she used for basically everything; fever, headache, gunshot, anything you can possibly think of.

The door opens and I sigh in relief, "I bought two of these, the cashier said that it's the best brand," Esther says holding two First Response pregnancy test up. I grab them from her looking at them, "I'm gonna go shower, why don't you go take them?" She suggests.

"Thank you," I tell her. It was really nice of her to go to the store to get these for me, just to make me feel better, she is still in her work clothes.

"No problem," she then walks away from the kitchen. I hear her open her bedroom door to get in, I stare at the tests in my hands thinking of what to do. Deciding to prove my gut wrong, I walk to my room.

I open one of the tests and read the instructions, all I have to do is pee on the stick. I pee on the end of the stick placing it on the side of the bathtub because it is dry. The test says to wait for three minutes, so I'll wait.

I go into my room picking out an outfit to wear to work today, after three minutes I go back into the bathroom reading the response.

Grabbing the test from its resting place, I sit on the toilet reading the result. I look at it trying to make sure that it is accurate.

"What does it say?" Esther says walking into the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her small frame.

"It says that I am..."


I am preganant or I am not preganant??

Did any of you guys watch the solar eclipse? (North American readers)

Btw... updates will start slowing down because unfortunately, I had to go back to school today. Summer wasn't even that long tbh.

Au revoir...

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