39~Same Old thing

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Dylan's POV

"Mr. Argent, are you listening?" My assistant Jenny asks me as she tries to explain something to me. Truth is, I am not listening to a word she is saying. I spent the whole thanksgiving weekend working and now I feel so tired.

"What were you saying?" I ask her deciding to get this over with.

"You have a meeting with Mr. James today after lunch," she clarifies for me.

"K," I simply tell her. She then exits my office. I take out my phone from my pocket to see if Marie-Anne has texted me back and she still hasn't. How long does it take to text someone 'I'm fine?' Realizing that she may be ignoring me, I call her. The phone rings, but she doesn't answer it.

Lunch isn't for another two hours, so I decide to go to her office to see if she is there.


"Hey Dylan," Trisha says as I reach the lobby. "Marie is busy," she says looking up from her computer.

"Doing what?" I ask her. She might be sleeping and she says she is busy. I've figured that she tells people she is busy when she doesn't want to see or hang out with others. She did the same thing when we were in college, she used to say she had a lot of studying and papers to write to get out of hanging out with me.

"She's actually at the courthouse," Trisha says. "But, she is only hearing the verdict, so she might be back any second now," she adds. I nod my head thinking what I should do. "So," she starts, "are you guys dating or are you friends?" Trisha asks doing air quotations around friends.

I chuckle, "none of the above, what's with the air quotations?"

"I don't know people have a tendency of saying: we are just friends, when someone asks them about someone they are obviously dating. Why do you come to see her if you guys are not dating and you guys are not friends?"

"It's complicated," I tell her. Everything is complicated with Marie-Anne, I guess with girls in generals.

"It's complicated usually means someone wants to be something more and the other doesn't."

"Are you being all psychology to me?" I ask her.

"Maybe," she says raising her shoulders. Someone else comes up to her and I watch as she talks to the person. "You're thinking about it? She asks me once the person leaves.

"Thinking about what?" I ask her not having any idea what she is talking about.

"It's complicated," she answers. I actually was thinking about it. If it wasn't for the whole pregnancy thing and our egos, would Marie-Anne and I be together? Does it even matter when you think about it? Maybe Trisha is right, one person wants to be together and the other doesn't, she left. Marie-Anne knew I would have moved all the way across the world for her if she wanted, but she still left. I honestly do not even care about us no more; I just want to make sure I'm there for my kid. My mother was a bad parent and I do not want to do the same to my kid.

"Nah," I lie after much thought.

"Marie," Trisha says.

"What?" I ask her.

"Marie's here," she says pointing behind me. I turn around seeing Marie-Anne walking towards us. Her curly hair is in a bun leaving her beautiful face to eye's view. She has a black pencil dress on with black heels. She shakes her head when she sees me; I forgot she doesn't like me coming here unless I call her.

"Het Trish," she greets Trisha, "Dylan," she says between her teeth. Fake, she knows the person can notice when she does it right? "We can talk in my office," she says starting to walk away.

"I called you," I tell her as we walk to her office.

"Sorry, I was in court and my phone was off," she says.

"Was it also off at six?" I ask her. I sent her a text before I even went to work. If she says it was off, now she is lying.

"Nope, I saw the message, I just-"

"Just what?" I ask her. She opens her office door, we both walk in. She puts her stuff down and I take a seat in one of her chairs.

"Nothing," she says not finishing her sentence. She then goes on standing by her window looking down. "Dylan, I've been thinking about what will happen after the baby's born, taking care of a baby is not easy-" I cut her off before she can continue.

"I know, you'll have me and if it is still too much we can hire extra help," I tell her. I do not like Nannies, but sometimes you do need the extra help.

"I know, but I was thinking it would be better if we had help of family and the baby could grow around people who love him or her."

"Family?" I ask her. I have nothing against the help of family member, but none of our family members live around here.

"Yeah, so that's why I was thinking about how it would be better if I-"she stops and stares at the people walking on the streets. I get up from where I am sitting, standing next to her.

"Better if you what?" I ask her.

"If I moved back home," she finishes. Did I hear her correctly? I think I heard her say move back home, she can't be serious.

"What do you mean by home?" I ask her, just to get everything clear.

"I mean home," she says.

"No," I tell her. I have no problem with her leaving, but the last thing she is going to do is move away with my kid.

"Dylan, but-"I cut her off not letting her say anything else.

"No," I tell her again. "Marie-Anne, I don't care okay? You are not taking my kid away from me."

"Why do you even care?" She snaps back at me.

"Because it's my kid," I say pointing to myself with my index finger, "and you should know better than taking a kid away from their father."

"A few weeks ago, you didn't even want this kid."

"Yeah, I'll admit that, but it doesn't matter, I want it now."

"I don't care," she says crossing her hand over her chest. I pass my hands through my hair out of frustration. I stare at her, her light brown eyes stare back at me, her veins pop out of her forehead out of anger. She is serious, I was thinking this would be easy and the law would have stayed out of this. This is one of the reasons I never wanted kids, all the fighting over custody, all the lawyers, the judges, it's just annoying.

Rebecca asked me what I was going to do after the baby came, she said maybe Marie-Anne and I need to come to a custody agreement, but I told her we wouldn't have to. I thought Marie-Anne would be understanding throughout this whole thing, I thought the law wouldn't have to get into this. "You sure that's what you want to do?" I ask her.

"Yes," she answers.

"You want to move back home when the baby's born?" I ask her.

"Yes," she says.

"You know I don't want that right?"

"And I don't care what you want Dylan, this is about the baby."

"Okay, this is about the baby. I'm filling for full custody," I tell her.

"What?" She asks shock.

"Yeah, I'd tell you you'd hear from my lawyer, but I'll be my own lawyer," I tell her walking away to get back to work.

"Dylan, you want to go through all this fight when you know the court always favors the mother."

"Well, I guess it's time the court favors the father." I say exiting the room and slamming the door.


Hope you enjoyed.

Sorry about the twist...

I'm so sorry for the late update, I thought I would have posted a new chapter Friday, but I've been having laptop problems.

Au Revoir...

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