18~Shutting up the old.

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Dylan's POV

"Hi, I'm here to see..."

"Ms. Jean," the receptionist at Marie-Anne's office replies. I think her name is Trisha or something. I give her a smile and a small chuckle, "you do realize that you say the same thing everytime you come here right?" She asks.

"No, I didn't," I reply.

"Of course, you didn't," she whispers more to herself.

"Can I?" I ask pointing towards the hallway of Marie-Anne's office, "or did she say that only the devil himself can disturb her?" I ask referring to the time that she said only God himself can disturb her. I don't know, but she seems more like the devil to me or at least that's what she turned to.

"In that case go right ahead," she says.

"Are you accusing me of being the devil?" I ask her jokingly.

"No, you're more like a  god, you have this welcoming aura surrounding you," she jokes back, "what's your zodiac sign?" She asks out of nowhere.

"Um... I think I'm a Virgo," I tell her taking a wide guess. My little sister is obsessed about all things zodiac and she used to tell me that we get along so well because I'm a Virgo and she's a Taurus or something like that. "Why?"

"Choose the angel today, choose to do what you think is right," she tells me. For some reason, what she said relates to what I am going through. Choose to do what you think is right...

"You're a psychic something?" I ask her leaning on the desk.

"No, I'm actually a psychology major, but my mom is a psychic," she tells me.

"Being a psychologist is your way of avoiding what your mom is doing, that's why you chose a major close to the same thing," I tell her.

"Maybe," she says raising up her shoulders.

"Call me when you graduate, I might need someone like you and thank you for the horoscope, do you tell everyone that comes here their horoscope?" I ask her.

"Only the ones I like."

"Well, I'm glad that I'm part of that circle," I tell her with a smile, "I have to get back to work soon, so I'm gonna go do what I came here to do."

"Yeah, see you."

"Yeah, the devil's out," I joke putting up a peace sign while walking backward. She laughs at my dumbass and I enter the hallway. That's when I come back to Earth and realize what I am doing here. I promised Marie-Anne, I'd bring her clothes for her, so here I am doing exactly that. I waited for two weeks, kicked her out of a building, but at least I'm keeping my promise.

I just couldn't deal with her, she really hurt my feelings and no matter how much she apologizes, the feeling never seems to go away. I stop by her door leaning on the hallway to how much it'll hurt seeing her again, will she be mad at me? Why do I even care if she is, I don't care what she thinks? She left the door half open, her back is towards the door and I watch as she talks to Tyler. I knock on the door opening it without waiting because it's already open.

As I open the door, she jumps out of surprise falling down while hitting her head in the process. I laugh in my head as I stand holding the bag in my hand, this is God punishing her. Tyler looks down at her shaking his head, he then looks up to me giving me a smile, "sweetheart, get off the floor," Tyler tells her looking at her. "Argent is here," he adds.

"She's just jumpy and a little clumsy," Tyler tells me. I nod my head in agreement awkwardly. Slowly, Marie-Anne's head starts to show behind her desk, "did you hurt your head?" He asks her touching where she hit her head. She shakes her head no getting up. She stands up our eyes locking into each other.

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