Chapter 3: the king

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And we meet the king.....~geekytrash

George's p.o.v

"Y-your majesty," said Samuel. Oh how I am so joyful he has come back, but of course only to give me some news, oh who am I kidding? I like him, even though we've barley spoken and besides I don't even like women, well I mean some are nice, but I've never had need to be in a relationship with one though,but Seabury was different, he gave me a weird feeling in my stomach,what is this feeling? Is it love? Hm, I don't like it much, it makes me feel helpless.

"Ah Samuel, tell me, how did it go in America?"I ask him and I could see frown slightly like it was a sensitive subject,"w-well...they didn't listen a-and," I could now see he was crying, I don't know what to do, I've never felt with this before so before I know it I pull him into a hug and he hugs back,"shh, what happen you can tell me," I saw in a soft voice," t-they teased m-me, a man named A-Alexander,"He ended and I could feel myself get angry, I wanted to know who this Alexander guy,"don't worry,you're safe now," I say reassuringly," y-you sure?" He asked and I could feel Samuel press his face onto me like as small child afraid a monster was in the closet and he was going to come out and get him. A monster coming out of a closet, I wonder if he's gay, focus George!
"I'm positive," I say and he smiles.

Samuels p.o.v
I feel safe in this hug with George, I feel nothing will come and get me. Oh what am I doing? This is he king! Why isn't he angry? I start crying and he looks okay with it, he's not mad or anything, I wonder why is that so I let go and I can see a small frown on his face.

"I-I'm sorry," I stutter,"for what?" He responds and I think the answer is obvious," well, I just cried I front of you, why aren't you mad? I should be fired." I say the last part quietly," oh Samuel! I would never! It's alright, I don't mind, it's fairly my part I should say, it wouldn't have happened if I had sent you off to America, I should be sorry, so I am, I'm sorry Samuel that I have but you through that trouble,"I took his response by surprise, no ones ever said sorry to me, then again I've never really had any friends,"it's f-fine," I say trying to hide the stutter,though I'm not sure why I'm stuttering and nervous he wouldn't like me back, would he?

"How old are you Samuel?" I took this by surprise," I'm t-twenty five," I say and I see his face lighten up a bit like he had an idea," I'm twenty seven" he said even though I didn't really ask I still got really happy hoping he wouldn't notice,he was still young enough to date me, what if that's what he was thinking about.

"Do you have a place to stay?"he asks me and I realize I don't and I don't have a lot of money left since I used most of it on journey here. "No," I say,"no? It's up to you but would you like to stay here? I have plenty of rooms you can stay in," he says and I felt my heart leap with joy, the king has offered me a place in his palace,"yes please your majesty", " when we're alone you can call me George," he said,"and you can call me Sam,"I said and I could almost pass out, he said I could call him George! Maybe he does like me, just maybe....

George's p.o.v

I can't believe it, Samuel Seabury is going to live with me! He either agreed because he likes me or that he no where else to stay or just simply because I'm the king, that's one reason that bothers me about being king, I could do or say something and people would just do it, I mean it's a win loose in some situations.

I led Samuel to a room which I specifically next to my room so if anything happens I'll be his neighbor.

I open the door to the room and I saw samuels face lighten up like it was something grand, I mean it is but not as grand as mine,"it's beautiful si-George! "Thank you,I was happy to hear that he liked it,"you're welcome, I'll leave you alone to unpack,","no don't go! I-I mean..uh..." I cut him off,"I'll stay," I sat next to him I see him blush and that makes me blush,"y-your really hot," he said and he catches himself and blushes,"I-I'm sor-" I cut him off by giving him a deep kiss and he kissed back and feeling his his lips against mine felt perfect, like we were meant for each other, I left a connection and I didn't want this moment to end, it was perfect and I start to hold his waist as he put his arms around my neck and that brought us closer and it deepens the kiss.

Samuels p.o.v

The kiss was perfect and I could feel George's tongue practically beg for entry and I open my mouth a bit feeling his tongue swirl in mouth exploring the wonders and I feel our tongues collide until we eventually let go and I stare into his gorgeous blue eyes.

"I love you," I say,
"I love you too"he responds.

Mwhahahahahahaha a cliff hanger sorta lol 1014 words boi this took time and I need a social life because here I am writing this while I see a lot of people having fun while here I sit next to an outlet being fat and eating chips. ~geekytrash

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