Chapter 7:The other Five...

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            I know that John Laurens is supposed to be dead but you know he sorta isn't in this so yeeeeeah

               Alexander's p.o.v

          I wake up on this cell and I look around and see four others and it all hits me, I suddenly remember everything, me and John were on a date and then Thomas,James,and burr came to ruin it and then these men in red coats came and grabbed us and knocked us out. 

             "Finally someone awake," I hear someone groan and I look up and it's Burr," w-what? Where are we? How long have I been out?" I ask.

       "You've been out for a couple of hours and we're in England, the kings cell,"Burr said, but said that last part quietly," no.. we can't be," I say astonished, the asshole kidnapped us! I turn to see Laurens unconscious on the ground next to me, I try to convince myself he's just asleep. I start to walk towards John and I hug him close and I feel tears run down my eyes, my John is hurt,but thankfully still breathing and he starts to wake up," John!"I exclaim in relief," Alex?" He hugs back,"where are we?" I tell him everything and he grows angry I see it in his eyes,"that sick son of a bitch! We weren't even fighting,we were simply enjoying a walk until they came!" I nod in agreement.

         A few minutes later Thomas starts waking up,"huh? What'd I miss? Ew. Alexander's here."I roll my eyes,"you're worried about me being here instead of getting the point that we've just been kidnapped!" I see his eyes grow dark as he looked round the room and saw Madison laying unconscious on the ground.

              Jeffersons p.o.v

         I've just found out we've been kidnapped and look around the room worriedly and I see Madison lying unconscious on the ground and I run up to him kneeling besides him, I feel hot tears run down from my eyes, what if he's dead? No I see him breathing,"James please wake up! I can't loose you Jimmy James!" I say in a whisper scream, and James wakes up,"Tommy, where are we? I don't remember anything..."he said worriedly,"don't be afraid everything will be alright, we've just been kidnapped, we'll get out of here in no time," I say reassuringly,though I'm not sure I believe it myself.

                     Samuels p.o.v

         I was on the couch when George walks in with an eager expression,"my guards have captured him! They have captured Alexander!" He says happily and he giggles. Alexander is here in this castle,oh lord.

                    "Come, Sammy I must show you the dungeons so you may talk to this Alexander," I nod and follow him as he starts to walk towards the dungeon and I look around and to my horror I see children silence as we start to enter, they look horrified as the huddle to the corner of the room and they hug each other for warmth." George what have these kids done to receive this type of punishment?" I ask as I see some praying they won't be executed."oh those peasants? They tried to steal food for their poor family," he laughed and I shuddered at the sound of his cold laughter that echoed the room cold room.
            "Ah! Here we are!" George exclaims and I see the cell and there lied five people, but I only recognize three,"let us out!" Growled the man which name as I remembered was Burr and I look to the corners and I see Alexander cuddling a man with a pony tail and freckles and the other corner with a man in a giant afro hugging a crying man.

                 "No! You tormented my Sammy while he was in America!" George practically screamed,"Sam come here and show me this Alexander man!" I yelled and I slowly walked up and point to Alexander and I see a smirk form on George's lips,"full name Alexander," he said tauntingly,"Alexander Hamilton,your majesty," he said the last part as taunting as George's and I could see anger fume out of George," you will address me as 'sir' or 'your majesty' properly. Besides that, Sammy here has said that when he went to America you ruined the magnificent speech I have given him and he claimed there were five of you, are you these five?" He said angrily,I try to say that two of them weren't but he didn't let me," I'm not telling you, you aren't my king, all I'll say is that I won that argument back in America," he smirked sheepishly. 
                  Alexander's p.o.v

         That little snitch! This is all Seabury's fault! "Don't talk about my boyfriend like that Hamilton!" He sneers,oh so Samuel was the kings boyfriend,"I can talk anyway I'd like, thank you very much!" Then Jefferson spoke,"excuse me,but me and James are innocent! You've kidnapped us for no reason! John, Alex,and Aaron are the guilty ones!" "Hold up,I tried to tell Alex to back down, I should be innocent as well!"says Aaron,"silence!" Yelled the king,"tell me your first and last name," he says and he already knows mine so need to speak,"I'm John Laurens," says Laurens," Aaron Burr,"says Aaron,"J-James M-Madison,"says Madison terrified,"Thomas Jefferson, now let me and James go!," says Jefferson,"hm, can you Burr tell me the full story? No can do Jefferson, you were talking to Hamilton and Madison was aiding you. Now tell me Burr,truthfully or else I'll have your head," the king says with an evil grin.

                 George's p.o.v

                   This Aaron Burr told me the whole story and boy was I angry,"I will have all of your heads next week!" I scream," let's go Sammy!" I see him nod and he follows behind me.

        Boi this was long chapter hope you enjoyed! I'm thinking if I should make Sam and James friends? But I have a nice little plan that I've conjured up.~geekytrash

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