Chapter 16: Thanks for Saving Me

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                          Sam's p.o.v

                I hear gunshots and cannons from the outside. I freeze. I'm scared. I can't move.

                 "Come on..." George whispered in my ear, but it was more of a stern command.

               George takes us to this hidden bunker in the castle, he claims that this is unbreakable. It is a small room with metal all around it looking like a prison cell,but without bars or windows,or even light. I sigh,it's either this or get killed.

I see the others look at each other, they probably hate me. I would hate me.

               Were all cooped up in this metal box. It's cold,small,and I hate it, it looks like it came out of a nightmare. I see everyone shivering in a corner,but to make them less cold they're cuddling with their partners. Thomas and James cuddle in one corner, Alex and John in another, and Aaron who's by himself with his knees up to his chest, I feel bad for him,then me and George who were still standing. I decide to sit down on the ground in a corner waiting for George,but he doesn't come, instead he paces around the room. Uh-oh.

                   I see him pace around the room mumbling words that don't make any sense. It scares me, and apparently it scares everyone else because they look at me like ,'wtf Sam what's going on?' "George has a I told you he's going mad-" I am interrupted by George,"lies! Do not listen to him! I am not going mad, the only mad one here is Sam!" He exclaims and everyone gasps and I feel tears well up in my eyes,but I hold them back. I can see James with a worried expression on his face,but ignore him.

                      There is an awkward silence for a few minutes which felt like hours,until we heard another gunshot,but this time closer. We all look up and hear more gunshot noises and I bite my lip,but I can see the others smirk. I would be happy too if I were them, get away from the misery I've brought them in.

                  I see George mumbling things angrily and him looking up. I see dust fall from the ceiling, they must be close.

            "DOWN HERE! OPEN UP! LET US FREE!" I see everyone except George scream,but instead of George getting angry he just howls with laughter,"it's soundproof!" He laughed some more and they look down.

               I see George look at me with a twinkle in his eye. I feel scared,he looks terrifying. "Get up!" He ordered and I do as he says, 'what does he want?' I think. I see him push me against a wall and I am mortified,"G-George, w-what are you doing?" I ask scared,"shh..." purred in my ear making hundreds of icicles go down my spine. Eventually he starts to kiss me, he starts to kiss me deeply. He forces me to kiss back which I do. I know everyone is watching,probably scared out of my mind. "G-George...s-stop..." I whimper and he looks at me with a smirk and he unzips my pants and reaches for my thing. I whimper, I don't want this. "George! I told you no!" I say tears running down my eyes. He ignores me,but right before he can do anything everyone grabs him and pulls him off of me.

           I cry. I am frozen in place and I cry. I can't help it, my boyfriend tried to touch me. I see everyone hugging me though Thomas doesn't,he just watches George. We all talk for a while until we hear someone unlock the box for us. "Guys is that you?" I hear the voice call out.

            Earlier Hercules p.o.v

                 I walk up to Washington, he tells me what to do while I'm in there.

          I walk in the castle, I see my crew killing and doing horrible stuff. I walk around the castle with my blue coat visible so none of my crew knows I'm bad. I carry my gun with me making sure no one is following me or if any redcoats are by they will go bye bye.

          I step on some floor which makes it creak. What is that? I'll come back to it later. I look around and see everything I could dream for. It must've spent a while for me to look because the sun was starting to set,but we were not. We kept fighting. My friends are missing and I bet you anything they're in this palace.

                   I look over to the creaking wood, maybe they're down there. I pull it open and I hear voices. "Guys, is that you?" I ask and I can hear the talking stop. After a while someone comes up to speak,"herc, is that you?" "Yeah." I smile. "It's us! All of us! Help us out!" I do as they say and get them out.

          Once I got them they tell me everything, I nod understanding but I still glare at Sam and George. I don't care if Sam helped you blah,blah,blah.

                Sam's p.o.v

                  This man named Hercules saved us. He doesn't like me though,but I completely understand, I would hate me too. He tells Aaron that Theodosia was here and his eyes glittered up with excitement. I guess this is goodbye.

        Sup mah people's. Thank you for all the views and support! I appreciate it very much and sorry this chapter took me a while, I am busy with such,lol. Anyway, I hoped you liked this chapter. Peace! -geekytrash from trash bin

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