Chapter 11:A day with George

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Sam's p.o.v

The next morning we woke up and I find that James and Laurens were still sleeping, James looked so cute when he sleeps, snap out of it Sam! I like George and that's all, I love George,but I also like James! Ugh. This is so confusing.
Jimmy James p.o.v

               "Rise and shine everyone..." I hear someone call out. Thomas the voice was soft and velvet like,like him, I soon realize that this voice was not Thomas,but Samuel. A small smile  crept onto my face, I like Samuel...but I like Thomas...oh this is bad...
              "Good morning Samuel," I say and I realize everyone else was awake before me,I look towards my left and Laurens is just waking up and he grunts and says,"good morning."
        "I'm going to get breakfast really quick so make yourselves at home," sam left and we were all alone we immediately conjured up a plan. I really hope it works.

                   George's p.o.v

               I elegantly walk towards the breakfast room in my night gown to eat breakfast and wait for Samuel, we have much to discuss since recently my prisoners have escaped. I sigh and I sit down eating my delicious breakfast. The doctors say I mustn't eat much,but I can not help it, I'm starving! I am always hungry.
              I see Samuel walk into the room, he seems nervous, why is he nervous? Maybe he found out that the prisoners have escaped and that's why he's scared.
                 "Samuel!" I exclaim,"have a wonderful morning so far?" I ask I want to sound calm so he won't be too scared about them escaping. "It's been alright so far sire." He smiles, though it is not his usual smile, it's a nervous one," what's wrong Sammy?" "N-nothing," oh he's lying alright,"you shouldn't lie to your king," I smirk devilishly,"now tell me, what's on your mind," "n-nothing, I just...don't feel well."he states and I frown, my Sammy is sick,"then we must appoint you to the doctor," I state,"no..I'm good..." he says and I frown a tad bit then he continues,"you're the one who needs the seeing of the doctor,you're sick your majesty," I look down, I know he is right, I've been sick for a while now and my own kingdom either hates me or is frightened by me."Samuel,last night the prisoners have escaped..I can understand if you're scared,till they capture them you may stay in my room," I smile at the thought of that,me and same sharing a room and bed. "I think I am good, your highness," he says and I frown a bit,"very well..." I sigh and I see him grabbing loads of food and stuffing it in a bag,"what are you going to do with that?" I ask and he looks up," for later...I get hungry while I am writing poems and speeches," he says and I nod,"then you must be on your way to write," I smile softly and I kiss him on the forehead. I start to walk away to my study and to figure out plans to take over America! I giggle at that thought and the best part is that I have well I am not sure where,but Alexander is George Washingtons right hand man! I laugh to myself,without Alexander,Washington will have to  motivation so I will definitely win! I cackle as some people stare,oh well....

                    Samuel's p.o.v

                  After I know George is gone I start to walk back to my room where I see everyone talking except Alex, he's writing something.
             "I brought food!" I say and place the food on my desk and everyone starts to eat,"thank you Sammy,"  James says and I smile as everyone else say their thanks.
            As everyone finished they told me their plan and boy was it a good one....

           Hey guys it's lizzy aka iamgeekytrash and I just reached 100 reads!! Omg!! Thanks guys!! Sorry I haven't updated in a while I've been lazy...hehe...anyway what do you guys think about sam and James, should they be a couple? Tell me if I should lol or it can be a threesome with George,James, and Sam or sam,James,and Thomas,haha. ~sincerely me (if you got the reference bless you)

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