Chapter 6: A change of plan

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George's p.o.v

I start thinking about America,but a new thought came into my mind, a darker one that's for sure and I start giggling, Jesus Christ this will be fun!

"Samuel I have changed some plans, we aren't going to America," I giggle thinking about the plan I've conjured up in my mind,"instead my men will capture this Alexander and take him here!" I giggle,"so your soldiers capture him and we can torture him?" He asks but I can sense he doesn't like it,but no matter,"precisely!" I exclaim.

Sammy's p.o.v

This is wrong. Yeah Alexander was mean,but this might be too far,tormenting him is just wrong," George,this is wrong,we shouldn't do that," I say,"and I say we should! I make the decisions here Samuel, do not forget that," he said sternly and he starts to walk away but he gestures his hand for me to follow.

George p.o.v

Why would Sam say no? They were mean to him so this is revenge, no matter, this Alexander man will feel my wrath! I giggle and I tell my soldiers to find this Alexander man. I will send a fully armed battalion to remind you of my love Sammy.

A few days later...

They still haven't captured Alexander,the colonists haven't surrendered, the doctors are saying I'm going mad, and the worst part is that my urine is changing to a funny color sometimes red and other times blue! I'm not going mad they are! The only person I can talk to and that can understand what I'm going through is Sammy. Oh I love him so, but he claims he's not ready for making love yet! I sigh and and twitch which is a new thing that has been happening.

Sammy my poor smol bean child p.o.v

George has been a acting strange lately, the man talks non-stop and it's just him ranting about America. The doctors are saying he's going mad and I hate to agree,but it's true he's going crazy and I feel bad,I want to be there for him though I'm scared he'd hurt me...

Another few days later George's p.o.v

A royal guard came up to me,"your majesty, we've caught Alexander and four others," he said and I laugh,"perfect."

Sorry for a short chapter and a cliffhanger (sorry not sorry hehe...)~geekytrash

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