Chapter 5: first date

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So here is chapter 5 with a nice little date~geekytrash

Samuels p.o.v

George called me "love,"! And I forgave him because I couldn't be mad forever I guess,but the strange thing is a few minutes ago he was acting like a psycho, maybe he's bipolar, who knows? He's pretty obsessed with America that's for sure.

"Hey Sam, would you like to go out to town? We could talk and get to know each other better," he said and I obviously said yes.

It wasn't much of a peaceful walk, unless you count people bowing tea down and curtsying at you every time you walked by and royal guards behind you. We eventually walked into a café and me and George entered while his guards stayed outside.

"Sam,tell me something about yourself," said George,"well, my name is Samuel Seabury,I grew up poor-,"I start to say,but George interrupted me,"and now you aren't poor! Now you're royalty!" He giggled, I possibly couldn't go on with my past without him start giggling," so what about you George,how was your childhood?"

                   George's p.o.v

           I stop giggling, I feel my face go pale as I remember my past.

             George's mind p.o.v

           I was in my carriage to school and I see this boy with ginger hair walking to school on the side of the road next me and he looked absolutely astonished seeing my carriage park in front of the schools doors, he's so cute, I think I like him. George was always gay,but this boy made him feel special even though they never spoke. Who knew this would be the very same Samuel that I'm dating today.

            Later that day George went up to his father,"father, I'm gay," I say and I could see him go red with anger,"you're what?" He screamed, I knew he was homophobic, but I had to come out one day.

        After George came out, his father would constantly continue with beatings, but he never did around my mother and when she'd asked he forced me to say it were some kids at school. When he passed away George could finally be free, I mean it sounds mean, but could you blame me?

              George's p.o.v

       I start giggling, my father was dead it was the best a of my life,"George?" Sam said and I awake from my thoughts and stop giggling,"huh? Oh yeah,Well my childhood was fine but strict,","strict, you sure? You were raised in the royal family! It must have been easy!" He said and I mumble,"must have."

           Hey Sam, would you like to go to America with me? Whoever laughed at you over there, well let's say we have the last laugh," I say giggling and Sam says yes. Watch your back Alexander...

Hehe, cliffhanger! How is if so far? Is it bad? Sorry if it is bad and short lol

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