Chapter 14: Uh..oh..

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                       Sam's p.o.v

             I pull away from the kiss. This was wrong. I can't just cheat on George with James. But there was a connection I kept reminding myself, this was so confusing and what would Thomas think?

        I can see James's frown,"I-I'm's just I can do this to George...and what about Thomas?"I say and James nods in agreement,"y-you're right, I'm sorry..." he says and we're just there awkwardly for a couple of seconds until James claims that we should go back and I nod following after him.

              Me and James both agreed that we will never speak of this again and if Thomas asks us where we've been,we'll just say that James was just asking me for some plans.

               I felt an urge to go check on George, he must be alone and sad. I start to walk towards his room and there he is with a few empty beer bottles,he looked like a hot mess. "G-Georgie?" I squeak and he turns around, he looks like he hasn't slept in ages, he looked weak but when he saw me his face lip up. "Sammy!" He exclaims as he opened his arms for an embrace which I give back and I smile softly.

          "It's been so long...what's up?" 'Oh nothing much, just backstabbing you,' I wanted to say. "Nothing much..." I say and he nods,"what about you? You seem...tired...have you slept?" George hesitated and shook his head,"n-no,I've been..busy.." he's says and I nod slowly,"you should take a break..." and he shakes his head,"so much work..not enough time.." he says tiredly.

          I sigh. He looks miserable, I want to help so badly. "Love, meet me here tonight," he says and he winks, I nod then I remember that I have to help my squad out, I'm going to break his heart. Oh god.

              I eventually leave him as he kissed me on the forehead. I start to walk back towards my room overthinking everything,praying it will be alright.

                   I see everyone is getting theirselves ready and I think I should too.  I start to get ready quietly, while Alex is literally the only I can hear in the room since he's so loud.

                I start to put on my boots and I don't even realize the time. It's getting late and I place on my brown coat while everyone else except Thomas who wears a magenta suit, wears a blue coat on, I guess to show pride in being a colonist. Fun fact:don't do that in the castle. I tried to tell them but 'no'.

            After a while we start to tie the clothes together and we make a rope thing. Perfect. All we have to do to his use it as a rope, I'll go outside while they throw it out the window and I catch it so they can climb down. All was going to be good. We smirk at each until we hear a knock at the door. It's too late for them to go in the closet as George came in and saw them.

I left y'all on a cliff hanger. Mwhahahaha #imsoevil #noregrets #iamnotcool. Anyway, I recently just reached 300 VIEWS!! ~from the trash bin with grouch, geekytrash aka lizzy.


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