Suga part four

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Hello again. So I finally  posted my new book. Go give it some love will ya:) I would appreciate it very much My Little XOXO's. I would like to get a good start for that book just like this one:) anyways here is your part four:) Btw it's called the Angel or the Devil go check out the preview;)
"Omo!? Is that you, Y/N?!" That deep low voice said trying to get suga off you,leaving you on the ground half naked. Suga threw his jacket on you coving your body as fast as he could pulling up his pants.
"What the hell man!" Suga said shoving him. The guy was in complete shock, he hasn't seen you naked in a while.
"I-I just thought you were hurting her" he said turning around trying not to see you. You quickly got up in shock from seeing your ex Jungkook, after four years. You quickly hid behind suga.
"Dude she is my girlfriend!" He said linking your fingers together, he had anger in his eyes. He noticed you looked out of it.
Its been almost four years since me and Jungkook have been living together. He keeps giving little hints about how I would be a good wife. I think he is gonna ask me to marry him. I hope he does. But he had been acting really weird like with his phone and he really likes to come along with me when I go to my sisters. They are close and that's good but he acts weird around her... I am so excited to go home today. I'm going to go home early and surprise him with dinner. When I finally got home I noticed his car was here too and his clothes were spread all across the floor. I walked towards the stairs and noticed a pair of panties and a bra on the stairs. I know those are not mine. What is going on. I heard muffled moans and laughs. I opened the door quickly and found Jungkook and My sister in bed!? What how could he! How could she?!
"Jungkook!" I said and threw the contract saying that he was going to own my fathers company since he has always wanted to. He jumped up off the bed covering himself up along with my sister. I couldn't breath, it felt like my heart was being ripped out of my chest, I could barely see because my tears were building a bridge over my eyelid trying to escape.
"It's not what it loo-" you stoped his sentence from falling to the ground passing out. You woke up an hour later at the hospital with Jungkook and your sister standing above you.
"Omg are you o-" your sister and Jungkook said at the same time but were stoped by you slapping them.
"Go away leave me alone! I hate you both get out of my sight I never want to speak to you again!" You said harshly turning to the side balling your eyes out.
-End of flashback-
"Y/n" suga said catching you in his arms. You had fainted into his arms due to the pain Jungkook gave you. You started to wake up seeing Suga looking worried. You turned to the side seeing Jungkook also worried. You went to yell at Jungkook but you were to weak. You passed out again only to wake up in your bed with Suga holding your hands, and Jungkook standing by the door. He did own your fathers company for a while since it was to late to change the contract.
"Jungkook I need to talk to you" you blurted out and he did as you wished. He listened you you.
"Why did you do that to me?! With my sister?! How dare you show up again and ruin my love life again!?" You screamed at him. He felt so dumb for that and just accepted your anger. You were about to slap him but a hand stoped you. You tilted your head only to see you sister grabbing your hand stoping you from hitting him.
"Stop Y/N!" She yelled at you. Who is she to yell at me?!
"Well I'm not the one who slept with your boyfriend!" You shouted and started to cry again. Suga got angry and hated that you were so hurt.
"Get out. Now!" He shouted and they left leaving you crying and Suga trying to comfort you. He made you stop crying by saying how much he loves you and how he thinks your sister is ugly and looks funny. You were so shocked by his sudden movement. He got on his knee and asked.
"Y/FN Y/MN Y/LN, will you marry me?" He said smiling and holding out a ring. You had tears of joy and said yes quickly. He gave you a long passionate kiss and a few pecs hugging you.
Hello once again:) I hope you will check that book out I know we can get a good start on it:) Because you are My Little XOXO's! You guys are great! Alright until next time.. Bye My Little XOXO's!<3 Love ya!!

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