The dream is to be Continued?!

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Peridot POV

Why was I in his dream? I understand that Connie likes Steven, so does Lapis because she told me, but why was I in his dream? I do have a very strange feeling around him, but Lapis explained her feelings when she is around Steven, but mine are different. And I have no clue why Amethyst was there. And why did it look like we were inside a gem? I'm so confused. Why wasn't the rest of the Crystal gems there? You know, I feel like Steven is hiding something else. But what?

"Steven?" I asked. Pearl quickly turned her head to see what I was doing. She doesn't trust me. I was in the dream.

"Y-Yeah?" He stuttered. He was scared that this might be it for him. Well, that is not the case.

"You're hiding something else about the dream. What is it?"

"Steven is hiding something else about the dream?! What is it?!" Pearl screamed. She was listening to our conversation, even though it is private. Garnet jumped and looked over to us.

"Yes, Steven. What is it?" Garnet asked with a voice of firmness.

"I-I don't want to talk about that part. It's w-weird." He said. Now I know he is hiding something.

"Come on, Steve-man! We need to know! It could be important!" Amethyst urged. He shook his head, meaning he isn't going to break that easy.

"I won't tell you! Especially somebody that was in the dream!" Steven yelled.

"Then tell me. Pearl, stay here and watch them." Garnet said, pointing to the people that were in the dream. "I will take Steven outside. Steven, you will tell me everything. Even things that happened before the dream that you think would trigger it." Garnet led Steven outside. Pearl sat us down. It was tight sitting here.

"Pearl? Can I sit on a kitchen stool?" I asked.

"No! You stay there!" She yelled at me. I huffed and pushed Lapis and Amethyst over so I could have some space. Connie yelled at me for making her sit on the floor.

"Hey! You can't have the whole sofa to yourself!" Connie yelled.

"I can and I will. This is my bed anyways." I spat back. Her jaw dropped at my rudeness. I smirked and turned away.

"Well... I've been here with Steven way longer than you so... I can use his stuff. Not you." She was trying to think of a good comeback. Ultimate fail.

"Well, I'm not the one who stabs him with his own mom's sword!" I yelled. Lapis gasped and so did Pearl. Connie was shocked. Amethyst elbowed me in the side.

"Hey! Don't do that!" I yelled. She looked at me with a grave look. I said something wrong, I just know it. It's not my fault I get carried away in arguments like that.

"I'm sorry, guys. I'm just in a bad mood. But I'm pretty sure everybody else is, too." I apologized. Pearl nodded her head and went back to cleaning. I sighed and leaned back. I wonder what else Steven dreamt about.


We waited about eight or nine more minutes before Garnet came in. She had a grave look on her face. She had takin her visors off. She looked at Pearl, then to us. But the main person she looked at the most was Amethyst. Amethyst had obviously triggered the dream by doing something yesterday. But what was it?

"What is it, Garnet?" I asked. I saw Garnet barely holding together. She was about to unfuse. A tear rolled down her cheek.

"A-After Steven told me everything that happened this week, I looked into a path that looked like what he was talking about... I CAN'T DO IT!!" At first it was Garnets voice, until she started screaming. Once she started screaming, we heard Ruby's voice, and they unfused. Ruby took off, almost burning us as she ran outside. Sapphire stood there, crying as hard as she could.

"He... He dies like a human! He leaves us for good... We won't even get Rose back! They will be gone for good! The gem will die from the inside out!" Sapphire screamed at Pearl, then she too, ran off. Only she went into her room and wouldn't come out.

"No... that can't be it... the unavoidable future... Steven, gone... Rose, gone..." Pearl would keep mumbling as she paced the room. Connie was crying her heart out and Amethyst was frozen. But why was Garnet pointing her anger at Amethyst? Did she blame Amethyst? No, Garnet would just blame herself. There is more to this dream. I need to know what it is, we all do, or else... it could mean Stevens life, gone, along with Rose's, too. I stood up, not caring if people yell at me. I walked outside to where Steven was sitting, silently sobbing.


"What?" He said, quickly rubbing away the tears.

"I need to know what happened? Why was Garnet pointing her anger at Amethyst?" I asked. He sighed, giving in. He knew that if he didn't tell them what happened, we wouldn't be able to protect him fully.

"On Monday, I went to Connie's house to say hi, she hugged me much longer than normal and would hold my hand all day. On Tuesday, Lapis made me stay in the barn to tell me a secret, of which she does not want you to know. On Wednesday, well... you know what happened. It was you. You squealed when ever I would even speak. Which I'm glad you stopped doing. On Thursday, which was yesterday, well, you, again, know what happened. You were around. You actually don't know everything. Something is wrong with Amethyst. She triggered the dream. I don't know why, but she hugged me in her sleep, and wouldn't let go. I touched her gem and she freaked out. I went to bed and had the dream. You don't know everything that happened in the dream. Okay... You, Connie, Lapis, and Amethyst were arguing. I was just starring as you guys argued. Connie said that I was hers, and you disagreed. She said I belong with my own kind and Amethyst said,

Yeah, a gem, not a human! Then Lapis said,

Not a gem like you! You're defective! He needs a regular gem! Then they all stopped arguing and started chanting,
Pick one. It was more like jeers, though. I yelled that I can't and they started looking at me like I was food for dogs. They charged at me with their weapons, and right before I died, I woke up from shock. Like a human would. That's what happened."

"Wow, I may need to think about this. A future seeing dream on Homeworld was never like this. We could complete the dream. But because you are part human, you could not finish the dream. You did not see what happened next. That means... the dream is to be continued. And since there could be more paths in your dream, Garnet cannot look into the future to see what happens later in the dream. You must dream it tonight, which would mean you will need a trigger. That means... we can't be watched by Pearl or Garnet. This day has to go on like any normal day." I said.

"No! I won't let you guys out of my sight!" I heard someone yell from the porch. I looked over to the porch and saw Pearl, Sapphire, Connie, Amethyst, and Lapis.

"Pearl, you must! We need to know what happens next, or we may not be able to protect Steven!" She shook her head violently to mean she did not like this idea. But it was no idea. It was a plan. A plan we will do.

"Pearl," Steven started. "We must. Or else, you won't have me, or mom. You will no longer have me, the last thing left we have of mom. Just... let us do Peridot's plan."

"Yes, we should do it. If my calculations are correct, there will be a trigger if this day goes by normal." I said. Amethyst and Sapphire looked at each other, and nodded, meaning that they like my plan.

"I-I don't know. What if it doesn't work? What if, that was the end of the dream? What if the dream takes place today?" She emphasized the 'today'.

"It shouldn't. He started out in... a... gem..." I trailed off because of realization. I quickly started running toward Pearl with Stevens wrist in hand. I pushed Pearl put of my way to grab Lapis, Connie, and Amethyst.

"Stay here, Pearl! I think I just figured out how Steven gets into this gem in the first place!" I said, then we took off running to the barn.

"What... is it? How did... Steven get there?" Amethyst panted. I stopped and looked at everyone.

"Because... we... fuse. And when we fuse, we hurt Stevens gem while he is in the fusion with us, making our gems come together to retreat. It's quite confusing, but if we don't protect Steven, we will see how it works." I said.

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