Not the dream

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Amethyst POV

I forced the others to unfuse. I gasped and summoned my whip.

"Steven! No! This is how the dream starts!" Garnet pleaded. She could barely hold her fusion together. Steven was crying, filled with sadness and rage. I used my whip to try to hold him down, but he bubbled himself. I sighed.

"Steven, just listen to me if you're not going to listen to them." I said. He shook his head violently and warped. We followed him to... the Galaxy Warp? Why was he here?

"Steven, what are you doing?!" Peridot asked. She was now crying. She does, after all, like Steven. A lot. More than me. I'm pretty sure the only challenge Peridot has is Connie.

"I'm going... away. I don't want the Crystal gems hurt so... I'll change my future." He said flatly. He turned around and I ran up to him just before he warped. Peridot had the same idea. We warped. "What are you doing?!" Steven asked. I saw the light slowly start disappearing, and blackness forming. I ignored Stevens question. Steven bubbled himself. "Then, I hope you can bubble yourself." He said. We were in space. He warped away from Earth?! Why?! And now there is no way to go back!! Peridot sighed. We are full gems. Steven is not. He needs to go back home or he'll lose all of his oxygen! His bubble only has so much.

"We aren't going home, are we?" Peridot asked. I didn't answer. I looked around. Earth was far off. I looked to the side of us. I face palmed myself. There was the moon. There is a Diamond Base there. I remember Pearl telling us about it when we were trying to find exact coordinates for the Cluster. I grabbed Peridot's wrist with my whip. I started kicking Stevens bubble closer and closer to the little tiny moon.


Hours later, we reached surface. It was quite hard to get there, but we got there. I saw the base. We looked around. Nothing here. Not even an old Warp Pad. Maybe, since Peridot is a Homeworld engineer, she could build a teleportation device. But there might not be enough things for her to use. I heard Steven wheeze. We have to get home. Fast. I looked for something we might could use for a communication device. I had the most stupid thought that we could use Stevens phone. Then I remembered something. We probably we have a great signal because of the satellites up here!

"Quickly, Steven! Give me your phone!" I said.

"Why?" He asked.

"Just do it!!" I yelled. He made a hole in his bubble that only his arm could fit through without letting out any air. I took the phone. I scrolled through his contacts until I saw Greg's. I called him. I may not have the best signal, but I've got one.

"Steven! Where are you?! The gems already told me you warped to some place far away from Earth!"

"Actually, it's Amethyst. I need you to tell the Crystal gems that we are at the Diamond Base on the moon. They can teleport here on Lion. Hurry! Steven is running out of air!" I said. I could already here Garnets voice in the back ground. Then he hung up. Now we wait. I'm just glad that the dream doesn't come true now. Any time would be better than... well... ever. Never would I want it to happen.


About a half an hour later, I saw Pink Lion running up to us. Pearl ran to us. Garnet picked Stevens bubble up. She put it in Lions mane.

"Why did Steven do this?" Pearl asked, her voice calm, but her face scared. That's when I noticed Garnet wasn't wearing her visors.

"Why aren't you wearing your visors?" I asked. Pearl looked down, afraid.

"Because, I don't want to see the future. It's... It's... GAH!! I JUST CAN'T!! NO, NO, NO!!" Garnet was so scared that she just flat out retreated to her two gems. Pearl ran up and picked them up. Something was wrong. Something was definitely wrong.

"What is it? Why is Garnet so scared?"

"Because... there are no paths. They are all gone." I gasped. This has never happened before. Now, Garnet can't see the future. It's all up to Steven, now.

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