Our Song

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Crystal POV

This is amazing. We are twice as tall as Yellow Diamond!! I kicked Jasperald and picked her up and threw her. I had short blue hair, like Lapis. I had green leggings, like Peridot. I had a purple shirt, like Amethyst. My hair stood up, like Pearl. I had on gloves that looked like Garnets. I had a star on my shirt, like Steven. I have on visors, like Garnet and Peridot. I had on black shoes, like Connie's.

"You know what Yellow Diamond? I'm going to sing you the Crystal Gem song." I said as I once again kicked Jasperald.

"We are the Crystal gems...
We'll always save the day...
And if you think we can't...
We'll always find a way..." Right about then, I grabbed Jasperald and punched her in the stomach causing them to unfuse.
"That's why the people of this world..." I grabbed Jasper and kneed her in the head, causing her to poof. I grabbed the gem and bubbled it.
"Believe in..." I reached for Emerald, who swung her axe at me. I caught it and threw it. Then I grabbed Emerald and actually ripped Sunstone and Aquamarine apart. Then I squeezed so hard with my hands that they poofed. Next was Yellow Diamond.
Lapis Luzli...
And Pearl..." I grabbed Yellow Diamond. I looked at he with a serious face. She was scared. Ha!
"AND OUR STEVEN!!" I screamed at her. I grabbed her gem. She screamed and poofed. I bubbled the gem and sent it to the burning room. The other gems though, will not be burned. I unfused. Everyone sighed. We had actually defeated her! Haha! We are the protectors of Earth! We went home.

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