Investigation - Sydney

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The breaking branches start sounding closer, and closer, and closer. "Seriously, what is that?" Sam asks, her voice quivering with fear.

"Lemme just check it out." Alec says. He walks to the large wooden door and opens it. The door exclaims a loud Creeeeeaaaaakkk as the door opens slowly. Alec goes out to investigate. The rest of the group stare in fright at the opened door. The sky is dark, and the leaves rustling in the distance fill the silence in the house. Five minutes go by and nothing happens.

"Ok, I'm gonna go look." Sydney tells the group. Everybody watches Sydney start to stand up and walk outside. Sydney walks into the maze of trees, only seeing darkness. "ALEC!" Sydney exclaims. She hears a small crunch of branches near the house. Sydney turns her head in terror. Full of jitters, she investigate where the noise came from. She hides behind the corner of the house. She hears the crunching again, on the same corner. She lays her body, on the wall, invisible from the other side of wall. Breathing hard, she slowly turns her head. She sees nothing. With a sigh of relief, she turns back, then BOOM! "ALEC!!" Sydney yells.

"Gotcha! You got hella scared!" Alec cracks up. Sydney starts violently slapping Alec in anger.

"What the hell man!" Sydney catches her breath from being scared. "Did you find anything?" She asks. They enter the house together.

"Did you find anything?" PJ asks Alec.

"No, I'm pretty sure the crunching you heard was just a deer or something." Alec responds.

"Okay, that's go-" Maddie is interrupted by a cackling laugh in the distance. "That... definitely wasn't a deer." Maddie says, with fright in her voice.

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