Discovery - PJ

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Ok small recap on all the people in the story and their 'status':

-Adam: Dead
-Alec: Dead
-Delaney: Alive
-Destiny: Dead
-Fabian: Dead
-Maddie: Alive
-Nini: Alive
-PJ: Alive
-Sam: Dead
-Sydney: Alive

Just for memorization :)

PJ still scrunched his knees to his chest on the floor in the closet. Sam had just died, and he had now idea what to do with himself. I can't believe she died, right in front of me. He looked at Sam's limp body, bleeding out on the floor. He gagged, the aroma of metal filling his nostrils. He sat down in the closet for around 10 minutes after Sam's death, until he started to become insane.

"I have to get out of this closet." PJ said to himself aloud. He slowly got up, fearing the killer was nearby, and opened the creaky door, swiftly closing it. I need to think of a plan. PJ thought to himself. He paced around in the tiny closet to think about what he was going to do. I-I can get out and quickly go to another room to hide there, hopefully the killer already looked there and he wasn't going to look there again PJ thought to himself. That's a good idea.

He slowly tried not to step on Sam's dead corpse. He gagged again when he saw his dead friend lying on the floor, not moving. He darted quietly to the bathroom, and hid in the cupboard under the sink. He barely fit though. He had to crane his neck to fit. He moved around in there until he found a semi-comfortable position that he could manage. Once he found that, he waited. What seemed like ages, he felt like he was getting nowhere with surviving. He was tired of playing the sick game of hide-and-seek. He got out of that small hiding spot, and ran to another room. Once in the room, he looked around, trying to find another decent hiding spot. Once again, he hid in a small closet in one of the rooms. He was tired, and felt like he would pass out at any moment.

PJ stared at his phone for a split second, revealing a light. He rested his head against the back of the closet, except he didn't feel the normal cold wall. He felt a scratchy, wooden area. He looked at it in darkness. He turned on the flashlight on his phone, revealing a huge wooden door. He looked for the handle, finding it after 10 seconds of searching. He braced himself as he turned the handle. His heart beat was fast, almost pounding outside of his chest. Was this a trap? PJ asked himself. He dismissed his own question and shined his light down the dark hall. The light revealed a flight of stairs heading downwards, then another door.

He closed the door within the closet, leaving it ajar in case it locked, and walked slowly down the concrete steps. Once he reached the other door, his heart was beating outside of his chest. He breathed heavily, trying to slow down the heartbeat. In then out. It's gonna be fine PJ. It's gonna be fine. PJ told himself. He braced himself, then opened the heavy metal door.

What he saw left him in awe. He saw Delaney and Sydney crying next to each other. "Whoa, whoa. What the hell happened?" PJ asked the girls who were balling there eyes out.

"That happened." Delaney said through tears, pointing to Alec with his brains splattered on the wall behind him. PJ covered his mouth with disgust.

"HOLY SHIT!" PJ exclaimed. He tried to look away, but his eyes wouldn't focus on anything but his dead friend strapped to a chair. "What happened?!?" He asked again, more demanding.

"Th-th-the k-killer strapped m-m-me and A-A-Alec to ch-chair when we were u-u-unconscious, and m-made D-D-Delaney ch-choose who lived." Sydney stuttered. PJ was in awe. Who would do such a thing.

"Ok, let's get out of here." PJ told the girls, almost in tears at the sight of his dead friend. How many more as I going to witness today? PJ asked himself rhetorically. PJ led the girls to outside the door and up the steps. "Watch your step." He warned the girls as they were walking up the steps with only a single light from their smartphones.

PJ entered the small closet once more, as if coming back from a sadistic Narnia. He opened the door slowly, revealing no masked killer. They left the room, and slowly tip-toed there way towards the flight of stairs leading to downstairs. PJ saw an open path to the door, hoping just for them to make a run for it. They reached the bottom of the steps, crouched down in case anyone would see them.

They all darted towards the door, hoping to make it out of there alive. Just then, out of nowhere, the killer stepped out of his own hiding spot, blocking the exit of this damned house. "Where do you think you guys are going?" The killer asked sadistically. He laughed a loud, evil laugh, as all the PJ, Delaney, and Sydney stepped back from the door and the killer, expecting a slow... and painful exit.

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