Arrival - Nini

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"Alright Nini, have fun!" Nini's mom dropped her off about a half mile away from the mansion.

"Bye mom!" Nini waved and closed the door of the white Subaru. Nini walked quite fast, as if on edge. Nini checked her phone. "Wow, 9:30 pm, I was meant to be here by 7:30 pm. Oh well." Nini whispered to herself. She played games on her IPhone 7. As she neared the house, she heard a small cackling laugh.

She started walking a bit faster towards the house. She heard a loud crunching noise of branches and leaves being stomped on behind her. It got closer, and closer, and closer. Nini started running now. Only a few kilometers away, she could see the light of the house glimmering in the night. She decided to look back at what was chasing her. It was a tall man in a scar mask with what appeared to be a large butcher knife.

Nini's eyes widened as she witnessed a horrifying sight. She sprinted to the house, to which the door was open, for whatever reason. Nini ran inside and shut the door as fast as she could.

"Woah woah woah. Nini, what happened?" Fabian asked, concerned. Nini was struggling to catch her breath in the cold, crisp air.

"A-a m-m-man h-had a H-H-HUGE k-knife." Nini laid down on the large brown suede couch. "He wore a mask, a creepy mask. A-a-and umm, I don't want to g-go out th-there a-a-again." Her voice quivered. "W-where is A-Adam and D-Destiny?" Nini asked.

"In the 4th room upstairs, God knows what they're doing." Alec responded. Nini wore a look of disgust. "Well, what are we gonna do?" Nini asked.

"Nothing for now probably." Maddie assured.

"I think we should notify the two lovebirds upstairs what happened." Sydney said.

"Good idea. I'll go." Sam said. As she was running up the stairs, a loud bang shuddered the house, followed by a scream from Destiny and Adam.

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