The Plan - Maddie

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Maddie hides in a bathroom hidden by the squeaky clean toilet. She was sitting down, holding her knees to her chest. She really had nothing to worry about, since she was on the killer's 'side'. She held her head between her knees, clutching the knife she would use on her victims. She put the knife away, in case one of her friends walked in on her twirling it in her fingers.

She waited in the bathroom expecting nothing to happen. Her legs started to ache, and her feet started to cramp. She slowly got up to stretch out, until she heard a large exhale outside in the hall. Maddie decided to check out what it was. She saw Nini, trying to book it. "Maddie, let's go, we have no time left." Nini said. Maddie agreed and they both quickly ran out of the house. They ran together within the woods (since that's how most of there friends have died). They ran far into the woods, making sure the killer would never find them.

"Ok, I think we're safe here." Nini assured.

"Yeah, you're right." Maddie told her. They both sat down by a tree. They were both breathing hard, recovering from the running. Nini wiped the small beads of sweat that began to trickle on her forehead with her shirt.

They both relaxed at the feeling that they were safe. Nini looked at her phone in her pocket. 4:52. "Wow, its already 4:52. Time flies when your trying to escape a murderer am I right?" Nini said. Maddie laughed and nodded her head. "I wish there was service in this place so I can call the freaking cops." Nini said with disgust.

"You're right. Too bad we're in the middle of the Goddamn forest." Maddie exclaimed. She got up from her seat, and started to walk around.

"Hey, where are you going?" Nini asked.

"I have a plan." Maddie said. "But first I need to tell you the back story. First, when I separated from the group, the killer was about to kill me, until he said that he would spare me unless I helped kill you guys." Nini looked at her, her eyes as big as watermelons. "I agreed, but I wasn't actually going to kill anybody." Nini sighed a sigh of relief.

"Thank goodness." Nini said.

"Anyway, when we where here, I thought of a master plan. The killer gave me a knife to slaughter you guys with, ok. And get this, I found a shed with knives and saws and stuff like that." (Alec saw this too) "So what I was going to do was go to that shed, get a knife similar to this, and somehow get blood on it to look like I killed you, then I'm going to go back saying I killed you, then you are going to go to the house, and sneak attack him, and technically save the day." Maddie told her. Nini was in awe.

"And you thought of all of this right now?" Nini asked. Maddie nodded. "Wow."

"Ok, I'm heading off." Maddie says.

"Ok. Come back safely." Nini told her. Maddie walked off into the woods. She twisted and turned within the trees as she headed for the elusive shed in the middle of the woods. She had a little more trouble finding the shed since she didn't know where she was in the beginning anyway, but after around 10 minutes, she found the shed.

"Bingo!" Maddie whispered. She walked into the shed, and took the small knife out of her pocket. She examined it, and looked for another knife identical to it. She opened many cabinets and drawers, but didn't find anything. She searched again though. There has to be something Maddie thought. After her second round of searching, she finally found the knife she was looking for. She claimed the knife, and walked out of the shed.

She was a little lost returning to Nini, but she eventually found her way. "Nini, I'm back." Maddie said, sneaking behind her.

"Thank goodness, it was really boring out here." Nini said. She looked at her phone. 5:21. "Wow, it's almost morning. Thank goodness."

"There is one problem though. I don't know where to get the blood, the only place I can get it from is either you or me." Maddie informed. The contemplated a way.

"Maybe we can use an animal." Nini suggested. Except, there was no animals in sight. This lead them to the dreadful fact that it was going to have to be blood from one of them.

"It's going to have to be blood from us." Maddie said, with dread in her voice.

"You can stab me in the leg, and yo can repair me with this wrap." Nini told her, holding up some medical wrap.

"Ok, if you insist. This is going to hurt." Maddie said as she held the knife up to Nini's thigh. Nini held her breath, bracing herself for he immense pain. The knife plunged into her leg muscle. Nini gritted her teeth in her efforts not to let out a scream. Maddie quickly took the knife out of Nini's leg and wrapped it tightly to heal. The knife was bloody, enough to be convincing.

"D-did it work?" Nini asked, holding her thigh.

"Yeah." Maddie assured. "Can you walk?" Nini got up, and slowly started limping.

"I'll be fine." Nini told her. Maddie smiled. They started walking out of the woods, and towards the house.

"Oh and before I forget, take this, you'll need it." Maddie told Nini, handing her the identical knife.

"Thanks. I hope we'll get to the house in time before another one of our friends dies." Nini wished. Maddie agreed, and they slowly walked to the house.

"Okay let's do this."

"Wait, when you get in, don't close the door so he doesn't here me get in." Nini told her.

"Good idea." Maddie told Nini with a smile, Maddie entered the house, making sure to leave the door open.

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