The Finale - Sydney

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"Oh shit." Sydney whispered. They all tried to run, but the killer blocked them from the stairs, running to the bottom of the stairs. They then proceeded to exit out of the doorway that the killer was no longer blocking it. But, the killer swiftly ran towards the door, reaching it before they had. They all stepped back, accepting the fact that they were trapped.

"Hahaha! Silly FOOLS!" The killer exclaimed. He stepped toward them, his giant foot stepping on the weak, old wood. "There is no use. Might as well say your last goodbyes now, since it's the last time you're gonna see each other." The killer assured. All the survivors looked at each other, and began to cry.

"This isn't fair! Why are you doing this to us? Who are you?" Delaney shy questions at the masked killer, still unknown.

"Do you really want to know who I am?" The killer asked rhetorically. His long jeans "unlocked" like a mechanical suit, and out stepped a short, brown haired kid, with his dirty... dusty checkered Vans. The killer didn't even need to unmask himself, they all already knew who it was. The killer took of the dusty mask.

"Is this what you wanted." Adam asked the three.

"Adam, why? Why did you kill most of our friends, YOUR friends." PJ interrogated.

"Hahaha," Adam sarcastically laughed, "you idiots. Do you not know why?" Adam asked them. They each looked at him, blank faced. "Well, do you think it feels good to be not taken seriously. Everything I would say, or consider would be immediately shut down by every one of you. Especially that blond bitch, Sam. I enjoyed murdering her." PJ remembered Sam's death. He shuddered, getting flashbacks of Sam losing her life.

"Yeah, she was the bitchiest out of everyone. Bossing me around, making me feel like SHIT!" Adam yelled. They each looked at each other, feeling guilty about how they treated him in the past.

"Adam, you were still our friend, no matter how anyone treated you." Delaney said, trying to make the situation better for her and her 2 friends.

"Do you really think I believe you? I mean, the way you treated me, I almost decided on killing my one self, but why would I do that when I can just kill you guys and it'll be better.

"But Adam, I never treated you badly, Alec or Fabian never treated you like crap. So why did you kill them?" PJ asked. "We were the dream team! Remember on our swim team we would win every race, and you were a major part of that. The relay never treated you with disrespect. So why them included?" PJ asked.

"Well, Peej, if I killed all these girls, you guys would sure as hell turn on me and tell the cops. Plus, I didn't kill Alec, Delaney took care of that for me." He said looking at Delaney. "So, who wants to go first?" Adam asked, pulling out a butcher knife? They watched winced. "No one wants to volunteer? Oh that's too bad, I guess I'LL have to choose." Adam said, releasing a small, evil chuckle.

"Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Mo. Catch a tiger by the toe." Adam sang as he pointed the tip of the knife on each of them, going by syllables. "If it hollers, let it go. Eeny. Meeny. Miny. Mo." Adam finished. The selected person was Delaney.

"No, no, no. I won't let you do this!" Delaney outraged. She tried to run up the stairs, but Adam snatched her hair before she can go up the flight of steps. He dragged her backwards, in front of PJ and Sydney. They couldn't do anything but stare.

Delaney started crying. "Please, please, please." Delaney pleaded.

"Too late." Adam said as he swiftly slit Delaney's throat. Blood spilled out as her body hit the floor.

"NOOOO!" PJ outraged. He attacked Adam, throwing him up the wall and punching him, leaving blood marks on his face. PJ stepped back to wind up a strong punch, but Adam was faster, and cut the middle of his stomach. PJ fell down. He crawled back on his elbows, trying to get away from Adam, but realistically getting nowhere.

"Oh PJ. PJ, PJ, PJ. Why did you think that would work?" Adam asked sarcastically as he started stabbing PJ with the sharp part of the butcher knife. He stabbed him repeatedly, making open cuts all over his body. PJ started coughing up blood, as he slowly started to die. Sydney could only watch and stare, as she just witnessed to of her friends die. PJ bled out, and died on the floor. 10 seconds later, Maddie entered the house.

"Adam, I see you showed yourself to these people." Maddie motioned to Delaney, PJ, and Sydney as she handed the bloody knife to Adam. Sydney looked at Maddie with ultimate hatred and disgust.

"Maddie, why would you do this!" Sydney exclaimed. She sat on the couch, definitely needing to go to therapy treatments if she came out of this alive.

"I did this so I didn't end up LIKE THESE PEOPLE!" Maddie pointed to PJ and Delaney, and she started to tear up. Maddie waited by the barely opened door. She quietly knocked on the door and walked back to Adam standing in the middle of the room.

"What was that for?" Adam asked Maddie.

"So I wouldn't have to see any more of my friends die." Maddie said quietly as Nini rushed in, knife in hand, and ran over Adam. She repeatedly stabbed him, feeling revenge in her blood. She stabbed for 30 seconds, Adam dead long before.

"I HATE YOU!" Nini yelled at Adam's bleeding body, continuously stabbing him. Now, he was just a punching bag. "Do you want to?" Nini asked Sydney, motioning the knife to her.

"Of course." Sydney grunted. She took the knife, and let all of her anger out on Adam. "YOU, SON, OF, A, BITCH!" Sydney said as she repeatedly stabbed Adam in turn. After 30 seconds, Adam was long dead. Sydney got up and sat on the couch, and bawled her eyes out.

They all sat on the couch as they watched the beautiful sunrise from the large window behind them. At least there was some light in this dark situation.

"Maddie, I thought you said Adam was dead?" Nini asked her.

"Yeah, but when he told me that he would save me if I killed someone, he revealed himself and told how he pretended to 'die'". Maddie looked at the floor, clutching her stomach.

"I need fresh air." Sydney said, stepping over Delaney and PJ to reach the door. She stepped out, remembering all of the memories she had at the house before all this madness happened.

I remember when Alec scared me. I miss that. Sydney thought, laughing and crying. Finally two hours passed of sitting around and loathing, when a car finally pulled up to the house.

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