Finding Others - Delaney

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"So, Adam, Fabian, and Destiny are dead." Delaney clarified. "Ok, so now all we need to look for is Sydney, Maddie and Nini." The group nodded. "Well, we should probably look for them... before it's too late." The group got up from where they were and walked out of the door into the cold night.

Before they went searching, Alec clarified, "Ok, we CANNOT separate. The last time we did that, Fabian died." Alec said, stopping at the thought of Fabian, never being able to see him again. They all headed into the left half of the woods as a group.

"SYDNEY, NINI, MADDIE!!!" The group called. Around five minutes later, they heard footsteps in the woods, crunching on the branches on the hard dirt. The footsteps were fast, and small.

"Guys, hear that?" PJ asked the group.

"Yeah. I think it is one of the girls." Delaney said. The group followed the footsteps, finding Sydney looking like she is getting chased, although there was nobody around.

"SYDNEY!!" Sam yelled out to Sydney. She swiftly turned her head, and ran towards the group. Sydney was breathing small, fast breaths, as if she was hyperventilating. "Sydney, Sydney, calm down. What happened."

"He-he-he w-w-w-was ch-chas-chasing me." Sydney panted. She kneeled down, holding on to her knees. "I'm so scared." Sydney cried. "I think M-Maddie is dead." Sydney sobbed. The group held on to telling the deaths of there other friends, feeling like it would upset her more.

"Sydney, Maddie is not dead." Alec told her. "I found a shed that had 'reserved' weapons for all of us, but Maddie's was still there, squeaky clean." Alec said.

"That's good, but what about everybody else's?" Sydney asked, the group didn't answer, they just looked at each other with sad looks. Sydney started shaking, and fell down. "I feel sick." Sydney said. Sydney then threw up, exposing all of the chunky yellow fluid onto the dirty floor. The group squeamed, looking away. Sydney got up right after. "Sorry about that guys." Sydney apologized.

"It's fine, we understand." Delaney told her. They then continued to look for Nini next.

"NINI!!" The group yelled, this time including Sydney. After 10 minutes, they were unsuccessful. "NINI!!" The group yelled again. This time, they heard a response.

"HELP! HELP ME!!" They heard Nini squeal. They all ran to the noise, Sydney lacking behind, still feeling off. "HELP ME!" Nini screamed again.

"NINI" Delaney yelled, as the group found her on the floor, holding her abdomen. The group ran to her on the floor, kneeling down. "Nini, what happened?" Delaney asked, observing her hand on her abdomen.

"Him." Nini whispered, pointing to nothing but trees.

"Nini, he's gone now." Sam assured. Delaney lifted her limp hand from her abdomen, revealing a bloody slit. "Guys, help pick her up. We need to get to the house." Sam told the guys.

"Don't we need to find Maddie?" Alec asked Sam.

"ALEC! NINI IS LITERALLY DYING! THAT CAN WAIT!" Sam yelled. PJ carried Nini's arms, and Alec carried Nini's legs. The group ran as fast as they could out of the woods to the road for a smoother run to the house.

Once they reached the house, Delaney opened the house door, and then slammed it shut. They put Nini on the floor. Delaney, the 'certified' nurse, ordered people to help her to help Nini.

"Sam, get the First Aid kit in my room." Delaney told her. Sam rushed into Delaney's room and came out with a large, red First Aid kit in her hands. Sam dropped the First Aid kit on the floor and opened it as everyone watched Delaney do her work.

Delaney first put a small pad over the wound and wrapped it with gauze. "Apply pressure so it will hurt less, okay?" Delaney said.

"Ok. Thanks for saving me you guys." She told the group. "We should head to a room in case the killer followed us here so we aren't in the wide open." Nini said. They all agreed, so they each walked into different hiding spots.

Once in there, Delaney heard the door open, and heard Maddie yell, "Guys, I'm back! The guy is chasing me!"

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