Hiding - PJ

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"Maddie, thank God you're safe." Sam said, sighing with relief. She hugged Maddie as hard as she could. Maddie quickly forced herself from Sam's grasp.

"Sam, there is no time for this, we have to hide!" Maddie exclaimed to Sam. Sam agreed, nodding her head up and down.

"We should all hide in different places." Alec told the group. They all agreed, and they all split up, entering different doors within the house. PJ entered a small closet in one of the 6 rooms on the second floor. A few seconds later, while crouched in the corner that gets blocked by the opened closet door, the door opened and closed swiftly, followed by heavy breathing.

"Who's there?" PJ whispered. The mystery figure jumped, and looked around in confusion for a hidden PJ.

"P-PJ?" Sam asked. Sam put her arms out in the dark in hope of finding where PJ is sitting to hide next to him.

"Sam, go on the other side of the closet so it's not so obvious." PJ told Sam as she tried to sit next to him. Sam listened, and crouched down on the opposite corner of where PJ was sitting. PJ heard some loud thumps outside of the closet door, hoping the killer wouldn't open the closet door he was in.

He breathed quietly and steadily, hoping nobody from the outside would hear him.

"So PJ, how are you doing?" Sam asked, trying to bring up some small talk.

"SHHHH!" PJ whispered loudly. Sam went quiet after that sudden outburst from PJ. "I don't want the killer to hear us in here." PJ told her. PJ scrunched his legs in his chest in the utter darkness, and hoped he was quiet enough to not be heard. He heard a loud thump every once in a while, worrying him that one of his friends was dying. He started to breath fast, hyperventilating in the small closet.

"PJ, PJ PJ PJ PJ." Sam said. "Calm down okay, it's gonna be fine." PJ listened to Sam, and started to breath slower. In and out, in and out. PJ thought to himself. He was worried about himself, but also worried about all his other friends scattered within the large house. He already has lost some of his friends, and he doesn't want to lose more.

He heard large, heavy footsteps coming closer to the closet in the room. PJ held his breath, releasing utter silence in the closet. The footsteps got louder. He got more worried, bracing himself for a painful death. Eventually, the footsteps started walking away, and he could breath again.

"That was too scary." PJ told Sam. He breathed heavily, since he just released his breath.

"You're right." Sam agreed. She breathed normally, not sounding afraid of the situation at all. PJ checked his IPhone 6s in his pocket, revealing a small bright light of the screen to show. "TURN IT OFF!" Sam yelled at him, still whispering. He swiftly turned down the brightness on his phone, making it less obvious to the people on the outside that he was using it.

It was 4:38 A.M. Where has time gone?PJ thought to himself. It felt like Sam and PJ were in there for hours, but realistically, they were probably in there for 45 minutes. Around 5 minutes later, the heavy footsteps can back.

No no no. PJ thought to himself, really worried. The footsteps sounded like they were right outside the door when they finally stopped. All of a sudden, the door swung open. The door blocked PJ from being seen, luckily for him. Unluckily for Sam, that was not her situation. The killer's long arm grabbed Sam by the neck, choking her. PJ could hear Sam's cries for help, but it was no use.

"Please don't kill me. Please." Sam begged, crying. "PLEASE!" Sam sobbed as she got thrown to the floor, and stabbed repeatedly. PJ saw her die from the creak of the door. Blood started pouring out from all of the slits on her chest and stomach on the white carpet of the room, staining it crimson red. She started coughing up blood, choking on it.

"Pllllllleeeeaaaasssee." Sam begged, slowly losing her life. The killer closed the door without seeing PJ, and walked off. PJ slowly cried, seeing another one of his friends die. He didn't even confess his love to her before she died. PJ put his head on his knees, and cried.

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