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The next day, after Flug had woken up, he went to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee. As he was just finishing it up, Dementia came into the kitchen and started asking Dr. Flug some questions. "Can you please make some type of potion to make Black Hat love me?" Dr. Flug answered, "No." When Dementia asked why, Dr. Flug simply puts as, "I'm not a wizard. I don't make potions. I'm a scientist. I make chemicals." Speaking of chemicals I better finish up the stick jelly, Dr. Flug thought to himself. "Uuuugh! Fine can you make some type of ray?" Dr. Flug shakes his head no. "Love is an emotion. You can't make someone fall in love with you just because you want him or her to." Dementia growled under her breath and leaves the kitchen. Dr. Flug got thinking though, what if he could make a love chemical of some sort. He good use it for the jelly gun series. Maybe as some type of deal offer. After thinking about it for a few, Dr. Flug heads to his laboratory to get finished with the stick jelly.

2 hour time skip

Finally. Dr. Flug finishes putting the stick gun in the capsule after those two aggravating hours. Now all he had to do was attach the capsule to the jell gun. Dr. Flug looks around and finds the gun sitting under his desk for some reason. "Dementia!" He said threw his teeth. He was already annoyed that it took two hours just to put the jelly in the capsule. He takes a deep breath and tries to relax. Dr. Flug moves over to his gun and tries to attach the capsule. It doesn't work. He mumbles a few words and tries again. It still won't connect. He flipped out. "GODDAMNIT! WHAT THE ____!? I TRY TO DO MY WORK BUT ITS NOT ____ING WORKING! JESUS CHRIST! GAAAH!" Dr. Flug kicks a bucket of trash across the room. Before he continued to rave more Dr. Slug came to talk.

S: aaaw, how cute you threw a tantrum because something didn't work.


S: Careful, there might be some people watching.

Almost as if on que, there was a small squeak at the lab's only door inside. Dr. Flug walks over to the doorway in search of the noise, only to find Dementia, 505, and Black Hat. "B-Black Hat! Sir! I didn't know you were out here." Black Hat looks at Dr. Flug and responds. "And I didn't know you had a temper. Hmhmhm... I came to see the progress you've made on the jelly gun." "Uh, Y-Yes sir. I can show you 3 out of the 5 I've made." Dr. Flug shows Black Hat and the others the jelly guns.

1st jelly gun:

Dream jelly- if shot by jelly, you will receive hallucination's about what you've always wanted.

Hot jelly- it is similar to a hot glue gun, when shot out of the gun the jelly will harden around the target. The jelly will dry up and start crumbling after 5 hours.

Stick jelly- this is the most dangerous jelly you will ever get into. If touched by human skin DO NOT TRY TO TAKE IT OFF! The jelly is like a super adhesive. You put that on your skin, and try to take it off, you're not only getting rid of hair but your skin as well.

The next two haven't been made just yet. Dr. Flug finishes showing the guns to his boss. "Hmm, I guess you did good, but how come the stick jelly gun capsule hasn't been attached yet?" Flug explains. "Oh, well, you see, that's kinda the reason I got mad a few minutes ago. It wouldn't stay attached." Black Hat nods his head in understanding. "Alright that's fine, but before I leave and get back to work. I have a small question, who were you talking to when you said 'shut up slug'?"

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