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Dr. Flug gets the RV started in the driveway and waits for Black Hat to get in. After a minute or two, Black Hat entered the RV and sat down in the passenger seat and said nothing. Dr. Flug looks at Black Hat and notices a far out look in his eye(s?). "S-sir? Are you O-Ok? You seem, off." Black Hat looks up from whatever he was staring at and looks at Black Hat. "YYYes, I'm fine. No need to worry, you can start the van." Black Hat turns his head to look out the window. "If y-you say so, sir." Dr. Flug starts the RV and pulls out of the driveway.

Clink, clink, clink, CraSh! Dr. Flug stops the van and looks behind himself to see Dementia fall out of on of the cabinet space in the kitchen area. Black Hat also looks behind him and exclaims, "Dementia!? What in the under realm are doing in here?!" "Blackie! I wanted to come with you to, where ever you're going!" Dementia stands up and skips over to Black Hat, she slithers her arms from behind the seat to Black Hat's chest. "Get off me you retch!" Dementia jumps back as Black Hat stands up pointing at her. "Ok, ok, fine, but I need to talk to privately." Black Hat scoffs. "Fine I guess Flug could know about your situation as well." Black Hat's eye(s?) Widen. What does she mean? Black Hat thought. "Fine, Flug continue driving. Dementia would like to talk to me." Dr. Flug turns around, completely confused, and starts driving again.

"Alright now what do you want?" Black Hat moves a curtain over so that Dr. Flug doesn't try to eavesdrop. "Don't try to hide it when I say that I know you like Flug." Black Hat nearly choked on his own saliva. "Ok, how obvious is it that people know it with out blinking an eye!?" "So obvious that even the densest person could figure it out. Well, of course except for the densest person is the driver, but he doesn't know." Dementia logic. "Ugh great. Why exactly do you care anyway?" "Because White Hat called me and asked me to help. So I agreed to help." Black Hat groans. "Great, just what I needed, a psychopathic girl women thing is going to help me talk about my feelings." Dementia just smiles and walks away. "Hey Dr. Flug, how long it going to take to get to the place?" "Approximately 3 hours. Unless you drive, I'd say it'd take at least an hour and a half." Dementia pulls Dr. Flug out of the driver seat and starts to drive the car herself. Dr. Flug smirks from under his bag. Flug gets up from the ground and walks over to an annoyed Black Hat. "Hello, sir. Is everything ok?" "Yes, Flug, everything's fine." Black Hat sits down at the dining area and sighs to himself. Black Hat can't be ok if he's acting like a sad kid when we're going to VMMC. Is it something I did? Dr. Flug asks himself. Maybe I can make him feel better? Dr. Flug slowly walks over to his boss and sits down with him. They were quiet for 2 Minutes before Black Hat said something. "Why are sitting here if you're not going to speak?" Dr. Flug thinks of what to say, making sure he doesn't get Black Hat in an even worse mood. "I didn't want to disturb you by me talking. I can see that your in a bad mood already." "Hmm, fine." That sat in more silence. Black Hat starts tapping his ungloved claws against the table. Tap tap tap, Dr. Flug didn't notice the tapping until he heard something else.

Police sirens...

"Uh, guys!? We got company!" Dr. Flug sticks his head through the window and sees a whole force of cops riding behind them. Dr. Flug exclaims, "This is going to be fun!"

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